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"Who are you?" asked the blonde with the long hair. "Joel, shut up. You're Scarleigh from Moon Anubis right?" the other blonde, except with blonde curls, asked me. "Yup. Thats me" I smiled at them. They motioned for me to come in. I noticed a guy with black hair staring at me. He looked familiar.

"Hey guys!" I said waving to the rest of my band through the camera. "Oh my god! Hey Scarleigh!" Lacy said. "Well boys, you now know that I'm Scarleigh and on behalf of Moon Anubis I wanted to bring you guys something hopefully you'll enjoy." I motioned to case of beer behind me. Immediately all of them started laughing. "You guys this is historic. All of you guys watching will be able to see two bands meeting for the first time." the long brown haired man said to the camera. I wish I had done my research beforehand because I didn't know who these guys were. Luckily the guys introduced themselves.

"Well Scarleigh, in case you didn't know I'm Niko." the long brown haired man said. He then moved his arm to the long blonde haired man. "I'm Joel." he said simply. "I'm Olli." the man next to him said. "Tommi." one of them said looking up from his phone and smiling. "Well hello there I'm Joonas Porko." the one who recognised me earlier said finding a seat next to me. "Porko chill out, she came in two minutes ago," the one called Niko said to him. I looked towards the one with the black hair expectantly but he was just looking at his phone. Finally he looked up and saw my eyes on him. "Aleksi but I also go by Alex." He said before turning his eyes back to his phone.

"Did someone said Aleksi? Huh, my name is Alexei." I heard my band mate say from the other side. "No way, Aleksi come here and talk to your name twin." The one called Niko motioned towards the black haired boy. I took a seat on the bed towards the pillow end watching the screen. They seemed like fun so far but something about the black haired guy seemed so familiar. I know I've seen him before.

I take out my phone to scroll through Instagram. I saw that @alexmattson had posted a picture of their rehearsals and immediately recognised him as the one sitting in front of me. I visit his profile and don't notice Joonas peeking over my shoulder. "Oh that picture of him is cute." He said startling me. "Oh my- you scared me." I said placing a hand on my chest. He laughed and I nervously joined him. "I just wanted to say we love your music and your song. I think Tommi has a video of us singing along to 'Fool Moon' in our Helsinki studio." he said. "Really? That's really sweet! I feel bad now because I heard 'Dark Side' on the radio back in Belarus but I didn't appreciate it. I was too busy focusing on whether or not we had a shot at competing in the national selection." I replied laughing. 

"Scarleigh! Come here!" Niko said turning back towards me. "Yup what's up?" I asked him. "We have a question from the fans for you." Alexei replied. "Oh really? What is it?" I asked. "Oh now there's two. The first one is 'Scarleigh, will you marry me?'" Alexei read laughing. "Oh my- well take me on a date first." I responded also laughing. "Alright the second question is, 'Scarleigh, what's it like being surround by hot men 24/7'. Yeah Scarleigh what's it like?" Dmitri read this question. "Why are you asking me? I wouldn't know!" I said in response. Everyone groaned but Lacy and I laughed. "It's all love boys." I said not being able to contain my laughter.

After the live ended I found myself sitting among the boys and talking. The only one I haven't talked to yet though was Aleksi. "Oh you boys should come around to our hotel tomorrow. I'm sure the rest of the band wouldn't mind!" I said grabbing my phone and keys. "Really? We would love to." Niko said scrambling for his phone. "We have a tight schedule but we have about three hours off tomorrow so we can squeeze a trip in." Joonas said holding the schedule.

"Alright boys so I must be off but have a lovely rest of you evening. Hopefully you all had a great first practice today and have another great one on Friday. Look me up on Instagram if you have any questions." I said opening and leaving the room. I took a deep breath and made my way to the lobby. I felt a surge of confidence when I waved to the concierge and blushed and shyly waved back.

Making my way to the car, I drove off. I opened Spotify and found a playlist of all the songs Blind Channel has released. Pressing shuffle I backed out of the parking space. The first song to turn on was 'Timebomb'. I noticed that it said "feat. Alex Mattson". I thought he was part of the band? Oh well.

"Scarlett, you're back!" I was greeted by Lacy running up to me. "Yes I am back. Alexei the Blind Channel boys are probably going to stop by the hotel tomorrow. I invited them." I said giving the keys back to Ana since technically, I'm not supposed to have them.

"I think I'm going to head up for the night." I said standing up. "Has anyone seen Roman tonight? I'm afraid I haven't spent much time with him this trip." I said right before I went up. The all responded no and I shrugged before going upstairs.

The elevator doors opened and I went down the left hallway. I turned the corner and I saw Roman standing right in front of it.

"Roman? What are you doing?" I asked jogging to my door. "Oh hey Scar. I didn't know where you were so I figured I would wait for you to come back." He said motioning to the door. "Hey I just wanted to apologise for not really being around you that much this trip." I said stepping closer to him. "No, no don't apologise. The band is more important than I am right now." He said giving me a weak smile. "Hey, don't say that. You're just as important." I said stepping even closer and cupping his cheek.

With my hand still on his cheek I went on the tips of my toes and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. His hands found his way to hips and the kiss got deeper. This went on for a few minutes until I pulled away to take a deep breath and get my room key. I finally found it and unlocked the room while dragging him in. I put the 'do not disturb' sign on the handle and before I closed it I looked up at him. "Will you spend the night with me?". He nodded and I brought my lips to his while closing the door behind me. It was going to be a long night.


um sorry it was short i've been cramped for time all day but i'm excited for the next chapter 😼😼

have a beautiful rest of the day my lovelies <33

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