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just wanna say this hurt to write.

I woke up to knocking on my door. I sat up as fast as I could and wrapped the sheets around my naked body. Roman was still asleep next to me so I let him be.

"Scar? Are you up? Can I come in?" I heard a voice yell. It sounded like Alexei so I thought I was fine.

"Scarlett? Ana gave me a key so I'm coming in." the voice said. Hold on. I was wrong, that's not Alexei.

"Wait-" I tried to stop them from coming in. It was too late, the lock clicked and the door opened.

"Scarlett why'd you say wait we have a busy day-" started the person who I did not want to see.

"Hey Dmitri," I said scratching my neck nervously. I did not want him to see Roman and I in bed together.

"Scarlett. Is that Roman in bed with you?" he said, his voice shaking as he pointed towards the bed.

"Listen Dmitri, I can explain." I tried to start but he stopped me before I could explain myself.

"I don't need an explanation I need an answer. Is that Roman naked in your bed right now?" He interrupted, his voice getting more and more unsteady.

"It is. But Dmitri let me explain myself." I pleaded with him. He held out his hand to stop me. "That's all I needed to know. See you around." He said before slamming the door. I looked down and saw the do not disturb sign, I put on the door last night, flutter to the ground. I put my face in my hands and groaned. I feel awful but it's not like I'm dating him. I'm free to do what I like.

Roman eventually woke up to a call from Ana and had to leave so I was left in my room alone. I felt alone in every way. I couldn't tell Lacy about this because I know she would give me the "well you shouldn't have played with his feelings" talk and I didn't need that from her. For obvious reasons I couldn't talk to either Dmitri or Roman. And Alexei, God bless his soul, he would just tell me some prophetic shit and tell me to follow my heart.

I get dressed for the day and grabbed my Ahoy Arena delegation pass, my wallet, and my phone. I step outside my room and immediately I almost ran into someone.

"Oh I'm sor- Aleksi?" I asked. I was surprised to see him at the hotel and even more surprised to see him outside my room. "Oh hey. Um I was sent up by everyone else to get you from your room. Alexei wanted me to let you know that the bus for your rehearsal leaves in 5 minutes so to grab something to eat before then." He said rigidly. "Oh thanks." I simply replied giving him a tight lipped smile which he returned.

The two of us walked down to the hotel lobby in silence. Neither of us knew what to say so we just didn't say anything.

"Alright so Scarlett is down here now, are we all ready?" Ana said herding us. I grabbed a banana from the buffet and went over towards the doors. From my left I heard cheering and when I looked over I saw the Blind Channel boys walking over to us.

"Hey boys! Are you guys going to watch our rehearsal?" I asked them. The brunette singer ran a hand through his hair and smiled. "Fuck yeah we are! Belarus for the win!" he laughed a very infectious laugh that in return, made us all smile.

We got on the bus and I put my Airpods in so I could listen to our song before we got there. I looked at the schedule I was given and saw we had to be tested again today to make sure we didn't have Covid. No big deal it wasn't the first time I'd been tested and it sure as hell won't be the last.

"Alright and stand by Belarus in three, two, one." announced the man in charge of our rehearsal.

As the night falls opens closed doors and the wind sweeps us in and out of sleep. The clouds glide through the garden. Where we lay close. Forever, for now.

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