The Summer It All Began

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On the day it all began My best friend lizzy and her parents were planning a birthday party for her 17 year old brother but she needed help with a few things so I tagged a long. I don't really know her brother but judging by his room I'd say he is a big beatles fan.

We had a long while to get this surprise party ready for Alex's birthday which gave us plenty of time to set up. I decided to text my new found crush and ask him out on a date (12 may in 2 days time) which he acepted.

Our date was to be at the gay restaurant pooches in London. Before attending this date I had to make up an excuse as to why I couldn't hang out with lizzy today and told her that I had a family dinner that I couldn't miss. I put my favourite Ted Baker shirt on with some cool black jeans grabbed my phone, wallet and keys then headed out the door.

When I got there I ordered a gin n tonic with ice. At first I thought he was a no show as I'd been at this club for 30 minutes. I was just about to leave when I saw someone unexpected walk through the bar door.

I didn't know what to do, weather to pretend I didn't notice him or go and say hi. That's what I did, I walked over to Alex and.....

Michael: hey Alex, what are you doing here?

Alex: oh hey, I didn't know you were gay? Have you come out yet or...

Michael: no not yet you?

Alex: I guess you could say your now technically the first person to know. What are you doing here?

Michael: I was supposed to be meeting this guy I met on bumble but he seems to be a no show.

Alex: what a coincidence, that's actually why I'm here. His user is football305.

Mitchell: um....did you say football305??? Are you Beatle704 by any chance?

Alex: yeah how did you know?

Michael: because football305 me. Oh my god your sister is gonna kill me if she finds out I've been flirting with her brother.

Alex: well this is um......weird. let's keep this between you and me. Can I at least by you a drink to say sorry for being late?

Michael: I guess so. One drink won't hurt.

Two mahetos later we found ourselves kissing on the dance floor with my arms around his neck. Alex invited me back to his place and with both of us a bit tipsy I said sure. Alex lives in the building at the bottom of his parents garden so no one will know I am there unless they see me at his front door .

The next day i awoke with a minor headache looking around not knowing where I was for a brief moment before turning over on the bed to find my best friend's brother a sleep next to me completelynaked. "Oh my god what happened last night " I said to myself as he started to awake.

As soon as Alex saw me he looked a little confused. It took him like a hot minuet to realise that I was who he has been date texting with on bumble and that the both of us were pretty drunk last night.

Alex: oh my god, I've just had sex with my sisters best friend. She's gonna so kill me if she finds out. Oh god why did I do it.

Michael: hey shh, it's OK. Lizzy is not going to know about what we did last night, I promise. (Look deep into his eyes with a soft smile) if it makes you feel any better you were amazing last night .

Alex: (kiss Michael passionately) was I um....look your my sisters best friend and I don't wanna have to choose between you and her so.... (smile softly then lookaway from him.)

Michael: (grab his cheek in my hand and passionately makeout for a few minutes) please don't..... I think I like like you. Alex I think I have feelings for you.

Alex: I like you too but oh screw my sister. If your shore we can last till you graduate at the end of this year with out sis finding out then I guess we can be my boyfriend. That's if you want to.

Michael: yes I'd like that very much and I promis not to let her find out about us. So I can change my Facebook status to in a relationship then.

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