Being together

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Note: During Ishangre's marriage track!!

No proofreading is done so feel free to point out my mistakes !!


This oneshot is after family knowing about Ishani Pregnancy.

While Vansh came to know about Ishani being pregnant he decided to her get married to Angre.

Ishani , was very furious upon learning about her brother's decision to get her married to a mere servant Angre(according to her) . She was more agitated upon Riddhima because she thinks Riddhima responsible for Sunny's death.

Other hand , Angre was getting bound to new responsibility. His boss who is more like brother to him first time asked him for one
i.e.His and Ishani marriage.

He can't deny his boss after all when his own parents left him to die his boss was the one who gave him new life. So he has decided to always care for Ishani and her unborn child no matter what!!

Anupriya , Vansh's step mom had her own plans. She and her son kabir was laying trap for Vansh. Why won't they!? They have already sent Riddhima as their pawn to destroy Vansh and take over his empire and property.

Kabir knew Riddhima was perfect for his play. She was an orphan who needed love and care in her life and he filled that Void in her life faking love and care for her.

When she proposed him , he in return asked to sacrifice or rather prove her love in turn by spying upon Vansh.

So now Kabir is coming to VR Mansion in disguise of Devraj Singh Rathore to plan further with his Biological Mother.

And also to make Riddhima gather proof against Vansh as soon as possible by little did he knew that she already started feeling for her husband ,Vansh.

Yes , Riddhima started feeling for her husband. At first she was very confused about her feelings but now there is no confusion in her mind.

She would take little more time to love Vansh but she already likes him. She finally knew that those feelings about Kabir was mere infatuation because of his Caring nature.

Now , she is already to tell her truth to Vansh. She knows he might hate her after learning her truth but she can even intake poison if he asks to .

So she have decided to give their marriage a chance and also thought her punishment would be finalised by Vansh only , either death or other.

Vansh , he was attracted towards his little sweetheart from their very first meet. Her fierce nature, her bold attitude attracted him towards her.

When she denied to work as She's physiotherapist he was deeply heart. It was only Sia upon whose saying she agreed to stay at his Mansion.

He was also suspicious upon her so to dig her truth out he decided to tie knot with her SORRY forcefully tie knot. But also he never crossed his limits.

Things changed for him after their marriage and he knew it was not just a mere attraction it was love. Yes , he also started loving her. He also wants to admit his true feelings to her and start their own family and happy life with her.

Kabir entered VR Mansion as DSR disguised in old man look. Though Vansh was suspicious about him but he smartly handled the matter . But Vansh was still not satisfied so he was keenly keeping eyes upon him.

Other hand , Riddhima was also not getting good vibes from this oldie aka Kabir.

Vansh was noticing each and every activities or rather say action of this DSR . How this DSR was trying to get close to his Sweetheart or trying to touch her.

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