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"One time, I fell asleep in class and when I woke up to my teacher slamming her book on my table I yelled 'Sorry mom' for the whole class to hear

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"One time, I fell asleep in class and when I woke up to my teacher slamming her book on my table I yelled 'Sorry mom' for the whole class to hear. I was so humiliated, even the teacher was laughing." Casper bit his lower lip as he recalled the event. He was currently laying on a floaty in the pool.

Jack swam a little closer and charred his own story: "Well, one time I was so hungry in class, that my stomach growled in a completely silent exam room. Everyone stopped their test and started laughing. But I just laughed with them. You see, sometimes you just have to laugh it off. It might make you feel a little better."


"I had to change for my aunt's party but I couldn't find any clean clothes, so I was walking around in my room with only socks on." Jack said as he put down his cards. They were teaching Casper how to play poker. "In comes my dad with my jeans. He said my mom had washed them and handed them to me like it was nothing. I just stood there in disbelief." The tree other teen laughed as Matt took the pilled of candy in the middle of the table.

"Actually, something similar happened to me too. Except I was using the bathroom and my mom came in." Matt said as he stuffed a hand full of jelly beans in his mouth. "I screamed and told her to get out but she just said 'It's nothing that I haven't seen before.' Which make absolutely no sense." He rolled his eyes.

After playing cards for a while, the group of four decided to go play some beach volleyball. They were tired of Matt winning and charring his candy with Rosa.

Just a small game had Casper was exhausted. His whole body was sweaty, his legs were covered with sand from falling so much. It was horrible; but on the right side, he did enjoy watching Jack Davis run around shirtless.


"One time I was so late to class that I ran in the room without checking." Jack sat on a chair in the lobby. It was raining outside, so the group was hanging out in the lobby. "I listened to everything the teacher said and even wrote some notes. I didn't recognize him but I assumed he was a substitute since I had missed the morning announcements. Anyway, I sat in the room quietly for about thirty minutes until the senior English teacher said the name class and I realized I was supposed to be in freshman math class. I asked to go to the bathroom, then left with all my things and never went back. Till that day I kept hiding when I would see him in the walls. Thankfully he left the school before I actually had to attend his class."

Matt, Rosa, and Casper stared in silence for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughs.

"Wow! That's almost as bad as the kid's storied." Matt said and Rosa nodded: "True."


"My mom had gone out to the store so I was home alone for a few hours. I had just watched the movie 'Risky Business' and thought it would be fun to recreate the dancing scene." Casper turned to his side so he could see Jack better. They were both lying on some long chairs on the beach, under the hot sun.

"No way!" Jack was impressed. "I've always wanted to do that you know?."

"Well, don't. It's a horrible idea." Casper continued his story. "I took off my pants, changed my t-shirt for one of my fancy long-sleeved shirts. It was white, just like the movie. I turned up the music, got one of my mom's brushes, put some sunglasses on, and started jamming out. Halfway through the second song, I hear a bunch of laughter. The music turned off and when I looked behind me, I saw at least ten members of my family laughing at me. One of my cousins was even filming everything. I totally flushed. My mom handed me my pants and even let me stay in my room the whole night. It was my uncle's birthday and I had completely forgotten that they were all coming to my house. To this day, none of them have forgotten. It became one of the classic stories they always remind everyone during family gatherings. The torment never ends. Sometimes they even ask me to dance for them. They don't do it to be mean. They think it's funny and that I enjoy it but I don't. I hate it."

"Well, maybe you should tell them." Jack offers.

"What good will that do?"

"It might get some of them to stop since they'll know that you don't like it."

"Maybe." Casper turned on his back and watched the clouds passing by in the blue sky.


Thank you for reading.

Published: 11/7/2021

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