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         Casper Jenkins pulled down his hoody as he waited impatiently. He shifted from one leg to another to discreetly pull up his skinny jeans. He was in a very uncomfortable environment and his choice of clothing was not helping. He had decided to were his usual hoody, but where he went wrong was the skinny jeans. For some odd reason, he had fought his mother long and hard on the topic. He was wearing skinny jeans and he was not gonna change his mind. The sixteen-year-old had to jump and pull so hard to get his seemingly humongous butt in the small pants. This was of course a horrible idea. He had to sit in tight and constricting jeans the whole trip from America to France. His mother had given him the I-told-you-so look when she noticed him shifting in his seat many times.

And now, he was standing and waiting in the lobby of 'Omaha Beach' resort in Normandy, France. After the long trip, he was very tired and couldn't wait to get to his room and sleep. It was morning in France but he didn't care, he had a horrible case of jet-lagged and was not able to sleep on the plane for obvious reasons.

This was a new environment and that never went well with the boy. Casper did love to swim but he was not a fan of the beach. He was never comfortable in a bathing suit around other people.

This trip was his mother's 'brilliant' idea. After Casper's father left her, about four months ago, to go live with his newly pregnant girlfriend, she was having a very hard time. They were both young, about twenty when they had Casper but she was truly in love with him. Unfortunately, he didn't feel the same.

Amanda, Casper's mother, had thought it a great idea to take a long trip far away from their home. The trip was very sudden, and before he knew it, Casper was on a plane flight to France. He didn't mind too much, it's not like he was leaving any friends behind.


Finally getting into their room, Casper immediately yanked off his jeans. It wasn't really a 'yank', considering he had to wiggle and struggle a lot to get them off. "I'm never wearing these EVER again." He gasped, catching his breath.

His mother giggled behind him but didn't say anything else. Amanda took the time to explore the room. It was a pretty simple room but was also quite elegant. The walls were painted light beige with a large painting of white flowers over the two beds. There were also two nightstands and wall lamps at the corners of the room. When first coming in, Amanda had seen the small kitchen and the living area connected to it. It had a small couch-bed, a coffee table, and a TV on the wall. The woman got dressed in the beautiful bathroom with a thumb and a shower. When she came out, she noticed her son fast asleep on top of the bed covers and decided to follow his lead.


Casper slowly got up. Sitting on the comfy bed, he rubbed his eyes and assessed his surroundings. Now noticing that he was only in a hoody and underwear he quickly pulled the sheets over his legs. To his right, his mother was laying on her bed but she wasn't sleeping.

After a lot of persuading, Amanda was able to convince her son to go out, explore and have some fun. Casper was able to wear his sweat pants since it was already dark outside and the weather was a little cooler. Reluctantly leaving, the boy closed the door as his mother dropped her exhausted body on the bed and wasn't able to hold back her tears.


Walking throw the hallway, Casper got pulled forwards by a sweet angelic voice. He followed the soothing sounds to the side of the lobby where he noticed a sort of mini bar-restaurant. People were seated on tables all around a small stage.

The splendid melody was coming from a person, a man that sang like an angel. Casper's eyes lit up with curiosity as he approached the lounge. He could hear clearly. The song was in French, he didn't understand the words but it was so mesmerizing that he didn't care. He got to the lounge and stopped as he spotted the young man sitting in front of the large black piano singing his heart out. Casper was caught in a trance. He listened carefully and observed the angel in front of him.

Casper concluded that the man was tall; definitely over 6ft. Casper was only 5ft4. The young man was absolutely beautiful. His short, curly black hair was cut short, with more hair on the top. His jawline was sharp, his shoulders broad. Casper could only imagine the hidden muscles under his dress shirt. He looked strong. His dark skin sparkled under the stage lights. He looked divine. The man was wearing a fancy black suit that made him look absolutely dashing. Even with the distance, Casper could see his little mustache and the stubble on his chin.

The boy was like a deer caught in headlights. He was frozen. He didn't move a muscle. Only his eyes traveled and observed every inch of the man of his dreams. His looks and his sublime voice made him seem like a divine being.

When the god of beauty and grace finished singing, he got up and waved at the crowd with a dazzling smile. His perfect teeth were as withe as winter snow. Casper was now infatuated with a man he had only seen for a few minutes. He was love-struck, or as the French called it: "Coup de foudre."

The announcer's words were what snapped Casper out of his trance: "Give it up one more time for, JACK DAVIS." The crowd cheered and Casper found himself clapping harder than anyone, his eyes still locked on the handsome man. "He will be back after a short break." The announcer continued.

The angelic creature left the stage and disappeared behind two revolving doors. Casper suddenly felt disappointed but reassured himself that he would be back to sing again. 'Jack Davis' Casper chanted in his head. He repeated the magnificent name over and over as he took a seat and waited for the dreamy man to come back and sweep him off his feet.

After about thirty minutes, Jack Davis came back and sang again, this time it was a love song in English. Casper listened carefully and pretended that Jack Davis was singing to him, and him only.

The show lasted two more hours with a few breaks and other performers singing, but Casper barely listened to them. He didn't care if they sang well, he just cared about Jack Davis. He was the only one that interested him. While the others performed, he ate, and when Jack Davis sang, he listened and didn't miss a syllable.

After the last song, Jack Davis greeted his spectators and wished them a good night. He was clearly the star of the show. He glanced at the public and made eye contact with Casper for a split second. The sixteen-year-old felt his chubby cheeks heat up and he immediately looked down at his empty plate. 'OMG!' He thought, 'He just looked at me. He saw me. NO. He probably didn't even notice me. But what if he did? Why should he care anyway? It's not it's a big deal for him. He's a start. He probably looks at everyone that way.' Casper sighed as he watched his beautiful angel leave the stage.

With Jack Davis gone, Casper had no reason to stay in the lounge any longer. It was ten now, so he headed to bed. In his room, he found his mother fast asleep but noticed she was still wearing the same clothes. He frowned and covered her body with the large blanket.


Thank you for reading.

Published: 8/21/2021

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