A Different day

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My apologies, i did not realise that this was getting so much love on here still and had only updated on A03.  So a plan in motion? also there's a yonderland reference see if you can spot it ;)

Chapter Text

So after sitting and chatting with pat for a while, with the help of humphrey .Learning about kittys death and it turns out that the ghosts had also forgotten it was kittys death day, normally she didn't mention it. This time though it seemed to have amplified her emotions of Alison not being there.

"Well there's only one solution then." lacey replies standing up. Robin following her movement standing up quickly realising Humphreys head to roll across the floor.

"I thought we were beyond this now guys! Pick me up so I can translate!" as Humphreys's head stopped lodged on the door frame to the landing. "I want to know the solution!"

"Why don't we change kittys day, not into a death day, something happy she can remember it by"

Pat nods along with her, robin returning with Humphrey to relay. "That's not a bad idea, what would cheer her up though."

"Humphrey, My headless Romeo, you may be happy to know it involves you and me doing it finally." Giggling, she could only imagine the look on his face at that moment. He was indeed blushing if he could spluttering out

"I'm flattered, but I'm very old and -"

"Hump I don't think she actually asking you to, well hump" Robin smirks

"Oh come on you must know the one thing she wants to be more than anything in the world ..."


"The BASTARD, he's pawned that wedding dress too!" Fanny rings out.
Lacey was surprised at how on board with the plan the other ghosts had gotten. She guessed A. they didn't want to hear kitty wailing all weekend or B. just had nothing better to do. Much to the dismay of everyone kitty had always expressed that she wanted to be a bridesmaid, it has become even more frequent when Lacey started to arrive. Humphreys affection had grown more and more. Which in turn kitty had become aware of and was positive that they would marry if they were both alive. So the plan was to stage a wedding, They knew it wouldn't be legally binding but the hopes were that kitty could live out her dream. Then the day would be a different anniversary to celebrate rather than a death day.

"Well how about this one then?" holding up a white linen number "It's an Edwardian lingerie dress right?"

"Oh kinky, is that your underwear fanny!" Julian nughes Fanny.

"No it's a day dress, one can not wear a day dress to a wedding. Especially the BRIDE"

"Alright don't yet your bloomers in a twist"

Humphrey speaks through the phone; "their fighting over whether it's appropriate."

"Well, I think it's a very jolly holiday dress! It's just like Mary Poppins wears, it will do fine."

Thomas, having heard the plan, had been given the task of writing vows. He couldn't write them down of course, without help but insisted that he retire to the library to completely relax and memorise what to tell each of them. Robin said he would go into the grounds to find flowers, which Lacey could pick later. which had left fanny and Julian to help find some clothing in the attic. Pat and Captain lastly had the mega task of finding Humphrey's body. What could possibly go wrong...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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