Downward dog

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"I'll leave you to it then!" Alison turns to go to the door, and whispers in a serious tone to Julian "Behave!"

"I will! " Lacey says off to the side, as she gets up from her knees on to her hands.

"Uh, she's doing the downward dog. " Julian says cocking his head to the side " I remember a time in 1988 when-"

"Yeah stop right there mate." pat replays, watching her go to the bookshelf. As she had mentioned earlier when straight to the volume of Shakespeare. Pulling out the volume the books next to it tumbled, falling sideways in the empty slot. Propping back up she looks at it taking it as well from the self.

"Pat mate you cant put me on the sofa can you?" Humphrey glances upwards to the scout leader.

"Sure thing." placing him down just as Lacey sat playing with the smaller book.

"Diary of Miss Featherstone." thumbing the pages.

"I knew Miss Featherstone, '' Humphrey listens excitedly. "I always wondered if she knew about my beheading she was gone before it happened pretty sad actually that's why I was beheaded they thought it was me that had made her go missing."

"You've never told us your death story!" Pat exclaims.

"Oh yeah, it was quite a scandal. My wife went missing too. I was innocent but of course, the court blamed me as I was the last person to be seen with her."

Julian was looking over Lacey's shoulder at the diary "Core what saucy details are we going to find."

Lacey's fingers traced the paragraph.

"Today is the day. I feel sorry for throwing Sir Humphrey into this but its the only way I and Angelia can be together. He doesn't understand her as I do. We will be in France next month and I can't wait. Once she has got some of his clothing we'll leave."

"Hang on, I have clothing that went missing when we travelled here." If Humphrey's face could drain more colour it would. realising what had happened. "Angelia was the one they saw leave dressed as me with Miss Featherstone. So I made it look like they had both disappeared but I'd returned to the house. I could have kept my head!!! 500 years I could have kept my bloody head"

Lacey shut the volume on the back and it had VI in the leather, getting up from the sofa to browse the shelves for similar-looking copies.
"There's one up there," Pat points out. "Julian can knock it down here, even if she sees it she can't reach it."

"And what is in it for me hey?"

"You can have my choice slot," Humphrey mentions off-hand.

" Two tv slots."

"What! it's only knocking a book over mate."

"Ok, then one tv slot over every book I have to knock out."

"Deal now get to it before she moves section." Humphrey watching over her movements, quite lovingly. Unknowingly to her she just cracked something that had been on his mind for over 500 years.

Julian moves next to her, holding his wrist in one hand the other with a finger pushing between the books. Then like a domino effect one by one it toppled book after book started to fall onto the girl. Humphrey and pat could only watch as a good five-hit her in the face one after the other pushing her back and hitting the floor, banging her out cold.

"Oh No! what have you done Julian?"

"Well, I make that 20 books so 20 slots?"


Meanwhile in the cellar.

"And then he looked at her with misty eyes; it was all very romantic." Kitty finishes up her speech. Most of the faces gawking at her.

"That's great, Miss but why are you down here?" One of the plague ghosts piped up.

"Oh, that's right. The other half of his body isn't down here?" Collectively all the ghosts shake their heads, in one movement. " Oh phooey"

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