Grave man

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Kitty walked through the door of the cellar to see a flash of red waddle pass. "Captain! Captain, I think i've found him Captain!" Kitty screams, as the red disappears through the front door, Chasing after it.

"Don't panic Catherine!" the captain seemed to appear as well.

Mary was out on the gravel looking inside Lacey's car while Robin was attempting to run at it. "She left her witches tools in the back here , she was not prepared like last time. Bad oman for her"

"Mary watch this!" Robin launches himself at the car but runs straight through into Humphreys body knocking back through the door. Fanny watches from her window just rolling her eyes at the scene below before turning to descend down to give them an earful. Kitty yelps as the body crashes in between her and The Captain landing on its knees robins head through the door.

"Balley hell robin good show!" The captain regains his stance, as Fanny and mary both arrive. "Quick to the library,everyone." hooking one of the arms. "Robin you take the other one, ladies you flank behind in case we lose grip!"

And so the party travelled, the boys heaved the body heels dragging on the floor with the women coming up behind the rear to the library door. To find Thomas by the door. "There's been a great tragedy in the house!"

Pat sticks his head out "great you're here just in time! We've got a bit of a situation!" all the ghosts come in through the door to find the scene before them robin still having a grip on the body.

"What the balley hell happened here!"

"I only did what they told me to do! Push a book out."

"Yeah thats the problem it was only meant to be one book, I'd like my body if you have it " Humphrey retorts from the sofa. Robin and Thomas taking it over, fitting the headless tudor back together as the others look over the body. The three of them joined in.

"Well she's still alive mate , we'll have to wait until Alison is back."

"Ill stay with her like the plan was." humphrey kneeling beside her with one hand gripping the back of his neck.

"Well wait outside won't we julian?" Pat says loudly to gain his attention as the bustle out of the room.

"What if his head falls off on her? Although come to think of it i dont think hed mind falling on her, if you know what i mean" Julian goes to follow, when a sudden sucking in sound fills the room, like someone's taken a sharp breath.

"Holy cow, who are you!" Lacey sits up to find a tall velvet dressed tudor looking over her.

"Please don't be scared you can see me?" He winches

"Us you mean" Julian stopping just at the door

"Ok there's a man in his pants in the library to!"

"Shh, shh is ok alison can see us too your not mad." Humphrey tries to reassure her " I'm her friend that came up with the joke."

"You're the one that came up with that, must be why she warned me about ghosts today, lucky I'm not afraid of ghosts" She says pleasantly surprised. A beat of silence not knowing what to say next falls across the room. Lacey looked up at Humphrey studying him, grinning. His mouth opens and closes trying to process his crush smiling at him, he could now actually talk to her with nothing witty to say so just said;

"Tell me one thing you don't speak French do you?"

"Whoo a terrible chat up line!" Julian says causing Lacey to look around Humphrey.

"Well I haven't had practice in 500 years." Humphrey replies over his shoulder

"Pardon?" She says with an accent ,His eyes go wide in horror. "I'm joking I was crap at French in school. The most I can remember is , Tu Mere." Puts two fingers up at julian "your mum or as they say in romeo and juliet I bite they thumb at thy"

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