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                 The Peaches
The grasses drys as the cold breeze arrives.           The trees haven't bared any children.                One by one the pile gets bigger.                             Until one is left... alone.
The door open before Taekyeong could have touch it. He almost bumped into the person, and  was about to say excuse me, but Sangha nudged him before he could a speak a word.


Sangha was bowing before the man, nudging Taekyeong to bow too. Judging by Sangha's demeanor the man must be a person of high stasis. Taekyeong recognized the trouble he could be in, and immediately bowed. But to both of the omega's surprise, the man was already gone just like the wind.

"Who was that?" Taekyeong asked worried.

"That was His majesty, Emperor Noh." Sangha frantically said, "He's probably really upset that you didn't bow before."


The Emperor? Wait wasn't he the person in the Kisaeng house with me? Taekyeong thought. "He's probably going to have my head chopped off." Taekyeong nervously laughed to himself.

The halls were quite, key word "were". However, foot steps could be heard, slamming against the floors.

"Your Majesty, you shouldn't run like that!" An eunuch shouted.

Emperor Noh wasn't listening though, "Is he the same person from yesterday? Did he follow me?"

"Your Majesty please stop running! Think about your health, what would the people think when they find out about you doing such unnoble actions!" The eunuch puffed out. He was pretty out of shape, and wasn't able to catch up to the much younger emperor.

Emperor Noh finally stopped and turned around facing the Eunuch "Please stay here." He warned as he entered another room. He double checks the room before entering another door in the back.

"No no! You can't write that." Siwoon shouted at Daon.

"Is it too obvious?" Daon asked.

"Of course it's too obvious, until one is left? Do you want them to get suspicious of us?" Siwoon dramatically fainted.

Daon looked over and saw Shinwoo coming in. "We'll try to think of another poem later." Daon said, "Shinwoo, what's up?"

"I think we got a problem." Shinwoo said.

"Another one~?" Siwoon whined getting up.

"Do you remember anything that happened yesterday?" Shinwoo asked, walking around frantically.

"Yesterday when?" Daon asked.

"At the Kisaeng house, did anything happen, I don't remember anything- I blacked out." Shinwoo panicked.

"Why are you so worried right now?" Siwoon asked.

"I think I saw the Kisaeng from yesterday here." Shinwoo exclaimed, "I was just wondering if I leaked any information about the plan."

"Ooh the plan." Siwoon chided in, "Wait, you don't think-"

"That the Kisaeng might have been a spy sent by Minister Park, right?" Daon jumped in.

"I don't know, maybe... I try to find out more. They're definitely up to something."

Taekyeong walked back to where he came from. He looked around for the official that he met this morning, but couldn't find him anywhere. This just means he has more time to take in the new place. The were painted beautifully, he didn't notice this before, but there were small butterflies on some of the doors panels. The trees were painted with a slight tint of green...

Green... Taekyeong was then reminded that the place he was in wasn't the Kisaeng house, it wasn't his home. Why was he brought here? Did they buy him? They do look like they were able to.

Taekyeong was pondering in his own thoughts a bit too long that he didn't realize foot steps creaking behind him. A hand patted him on the shoulder. He turned around to face the person. Looking slightly downwards, he saw the same girl from yesterday. What was her name again? Sohee?

"Follow me, I need to talk to you." Sohee said.

During when Sohee did say that, she grabbed Taekyeong by the arm, so it was more of Taekyeong bring dragged then him following Sohee. It was finally when they arrived at the back of the house did Sohee stop dragging the man along.

"I'm just going to put this really simple and quick." She said, pinning Taekyeong against the wall, "Do you know what's happening in the Northern provinces?"

The Northern provinces... Taekyeong knew about the northern parts of this kingdom, but he hasn't heard much about the it other than it snows hard.

Taekyeong shook his head in reply.

"I guess you wouldn't." Sohee blankly stated, "You know why is that?"

"Why is what?" Taekyeong questioned Sohee.

Sohee looked extremely nervous. She looked around the corner again.

"Who are you?" She asked.


"Actually don't answer that, we'll talk after we return back to the palace." Sohee said waving Taekyeong off.

Taekyeong could see Sohee turning the corner. She walked off so care-freely, as if she wasn't looking just panicking like a fish out of the water. Oh right, there was something that Taekyeong needed to do. Almost forgetting to report back to the official, Taekyeong ran around trying to find where the man was. He also looked around for the man with a mask, but he probably is long gone by now. Taekyeong eventually found the official wondering around the front of the house.

"Sir sir," Taekyeong called out to the official, "I've cleaned His Majesty's room."

"Did you need to report anything unusual?" The man said staring into space.

"No sir." Taekyeong stated with a straight face. He could feel some sort of aura coming off of this man, a kind of degrading stare also came from the man in the long robes.

"Very well, we'll be returning to the palace tomorrow. Prepare yourself before the departure." The official stated, "Also the next time you see me, just call me Minister Kim."

After saying that, Minister Kim walked off without waving good bye to Taekyeong.

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