Chapter 15

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I don't believe what I'm seeing. How could Braden think it was okay to be that close to another girl. I guess we haven't put a label on us or anything, but from the way we act together, I thought we were exclusive. My eyes water and I angrily wipe away any tears that start to well up in my eyes. On my birthday too!

Quickly, I snatch my purse that is sitting next to the brunette at the table and run outside, avoiding all eye contact with him.

"Lucy, wait!"

Braden yells from behind me. I can tell that he is following me, but I could care less. All I want to do is go home and curl up with Rufus. I am just about to try to open Michelle's car when Braden places his hand on my wrist and spins me around.

"Lucy, baby, it's not what you think."

I roll my eyes at him and try to push him away. He doesn't budge and looks around outside in a worried manner.

"Braden, in case you don't remember, I've heard those words before. I'm not stupid."

He lets out a deep breath and cups my cheek with his hands.

"Lucy, listen to me. Something is happening and I need you to go home right now. I'll meet you at the apartment where I will explain everything."

Once again, Braden looks around our surroundings for something. I follow his gaze, but don't see anything out of the ordinary.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Braden presses a kiss on my forehead and takes a step back from me.

"Please, go. It's not safe here. I'll meet you at your apartment. Stick with Michelle and Kiera, don't get separated."

With that, Braden runs back inside, leaving me, Michelle, and Kiera outside. I make eye contact with them and we all get into the now unlocked car.

"What's going on?"

Michelle asks, gripping Kiera's thigh across the center council nervously.

"I'm not sure. Braden said 'It's not safe here' and encouraged us to go home. This can't be a cover up for flirting with another girl, right? I mean it's a kind of obscure way to get out of something."

Kiera shakes her head and crosses her arms. The only lights in the back of the car are the headlights of passing cars.

"It's pretty elaborate. When you ran out, I kind of caught the end of their conversation. The brunette said something like 'so that's the girl we've seen you with', but I didn't hear anything else."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Who's we? People have been watching us?"

Michelle parks in front of our building and we all briskly walk into the front of the entrance. Once we enter the apartment, I sigh, making sure to double check that the door is locked. Kiera brings me into a warm, comforting hug while Michelle firmly rubs my back.

"It will all be okay Lucy. I am sure he has an explanation. From what I've seen, he isn't the kind of guy to flirt with another girl in the same bar as you."

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. A few minutes of comforting later, I hear a firm knock at the front door.

"Lucy, it's me."

Braden calls from the outside of the door. Stepping away from Kiera and Michelle, I walk over to the door and open it. Immediately, Braden wraps his arms around me. This embrace is different from earlier tonight, it is more protective and desperate.

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