Chapter 3

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After an eventful day of going to the farmers market, working out at the gym and taking Rufus to the vet for a checkup, I am finally back at my apartment to relax and enjoy my Saturday evening. On the way back from Rufus's vet appointment I stop by my mailbox. When Kenny comes out of the back room, he hands me a big yellow envelope. The handwriting that displays the address is extremely neat, and sharp. It reminds me of Times New Roman font. The return address says Washington State Department of Corrections. Interesting, so Braden is located in the same state as me. Rufus and I walk down the hall to my apartment, unlock the door, and plop down on the brown leather couch with Rufus's head on my lap. I tear open the neatly written envelope and pull out two sheets of paper and a few pictures. I am so excited that I immediately start reading the letter.


It is nice to hear from you. My name is Braden Valencia and I am 25 years old. I have never been assigned a pen pal in my year and ten months of being here, and I thought I would not be assigned one as I get released in two months. I am excited to get to communicate though, it has been a while since I have had outside contact. I think it is interesting that you are a pediatric nurse. Before I was arrested and convicted for a drug crime I had just graduated from business school. I am happy that you enjoy your career, just by reading your description of it, I can tell it brings you a lot of joy. As for the questions you asked me, I am located in the Washington State Correctional Facility. It is about two hours away from Seattle, where you are. I graduated from UW and lived in Seattle before my arrest, so I am familiar with the area. Your question about prison is funny. I suppose it is similar to Orange is the New Black, but a lot more real and unjust. Things here are not romanticized and shit can go down if you aren't careful. Your other question was about what I like to do. For me, it is challenging to have hobbies in prison, but I manage. I am a big bookworm. I saw that in your letter you said you also like to read. What is your preferred genre? I like classic books, like Jane Austen and Tolstoy, but occasionally I enjoy a thriller or science fiction work. Other than reading, I like to be active. I find that if I stay still for too long I get anxious. A few questions for you are how has your week been? Did you have any encounters with rude or dramatic patients you can share? I hope you didn't but I am sure sometimes kids can be a handful. Final question, tell me the story behind the photo you posted. You look happy but with another emotion I cannot put my finger on. I hope the rest of your day is great. I added a few more photos of me in the envelope, they are all I had to give to you. Also, please tell Rufus hello from Braden. He really is cute.

- Braden

I pick up the pictures that Braden sent and examine them. The first is a photo of him in a leather jacket with a chain and black ripped jeans. He is on UW campus and standing next to a statue of the mascot. I smile. He looks like he has a hard exterior but is a softie inside. The second photo is him sitting on his bed in what I'm guessing is his prison cell. He is wearing an orange jumpsuit and this tight around his arms and is cropped just at his ankles. His strong arms are covered in intricate tattoos that honestly look good on him. I wipe my lip just to make sure I am not drooling. Jesus Christ, I'm in trouble. I wonder what it would be like to run my fingers through his silky dark hair and feel those strong arms hold me close to his chest as he leans in and ......... Lucy, oh my god chill. You got one letter from this man and are already fantasizing about him. I peek down at Rufus and see his adorable little head resting in his lap, but all I am thinking about is writing back to Braden. I can only imagine how excited Kiera is going to get about this.


Just a short update today! Tomorrow's will be longer. Hope you all had a good week! 

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