Chapter 12

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After knocking on the door loudly for a few minutes, a grumbling Kiera opens the door for me. Braden makes sure I make it inside safely and presses a swift kiss on my lips before heading back to his apartment. Laying in bed, I reminisce on our wonderful evening. That kiss. I haven't felt that amount of chemistry with someone ever. Every time I am around him, my heart feels like it wants to explode. I swear that I can still feel the whisper of his arms wrapping around me and his member grinding against my core.

    The vibration of my phone draws me out of my daydreaming, and I reach for it.

Kyle: What are you doing tomorrow?

    I swallow. I am still uncomfortable with Kyle's new presence in my life, how can I know he won't hurt me again? I can never know that fully, but he was in my life for so many years and he only broke my heart once. Does one bad action outweigh all the good that we had together? I know that I definitely don't want to get back with him. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Not to mention, I'm thinking about Braden 24/7. But being occasional friends? I could manage that.

Me: I have to run some errands in the morning, but I am free after 3 pm.

Kyle: Would you like to meet at that new sushi place?

    I take a deep breath.

Me: Sure, what time?

    A few minutes pass and Kyle responds.

Kyle: I just made reservations for Fin's Sushi at 6. See you there?

Me: Sounds great. Text me when you leave?

Kyle: Ok, I'll text you tomorrow. Goodnight Lucy,

Me: Night.

    I am proud of myself. I am starting to trust people again. Maybe things will go well tomorrow and Kyle and I can rekindle our friendship.

    The next day, after unpacking all the groceries I bought at Trader Joe's, I relax on the couch with some TV. While catching up on Vampire Diaries, I decide to check in with Kyle.

Me: Are we still on tonight at 6?

    One episode of Vampire Diaries later, Kyle hasn't responded. Nerves start to form in my stomach, but it's only been a half hour so I ignore it. An hour passes and I decide to start getting ready for dinner. While pulling on a flowy sundress, I look at my phone. It is 5:00 and no response from Kyle. I text him again. Maybe he is napping?

    5:15 and still no response. My stomach drops and my face gets hot. Did he forget? We just talked about this dinner. Maybe I got the date wrong? Pulling up the messages, I realize that I definitely did not get the time wrong.

    I drop the phone on the counter and sit down on my bed deflated. I am so stupid. Why did I trust him again? Obviously he is just going to hurt me again.

    Blurrrbbbbbb. My stomach grumbles.

    I am starving. I forgot to eat lunch because I was out, and by the time I got home it was too late to eat something. I look down. My cute sundress and curled hair is smoothed perfectly, just waiting for dinner.

    Deep breath. I am going to go to this dinner without him. I have a reservation anyways, and I was so excited to go. Even though Kyle let me down, I won't let myself down.

    Grabbing my purse, I head down to the elevator, press the first floor button, and smooth my dress out while it descends. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror of the elevator. A disappointed feeling spreads through my chest. Is there something wrong with me? Why would he invite me out and then just ditch me?

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