[💌] - 3

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Later that same day, school was already over and it was late in the noon, almost evening, the raven-haired was lazily laying on his bed, his eyes looking at the note between his fingers and then back at the opened app on his phone - Instagram. Note, Instagram, note, Instagram, note, Instagram.
Should he do it? Should he follow that person and text them? What if in the end it was a just a prank?
That would be embarrassing, like really, really embarrassing.

'OH GOD! PLEASE! LET THIS NOT BE A PRANK OR SOMETHING', Beomgyu prayed in his thoughts with closed eyes and took slow breaths, trying to calm his racing heart. He was nervous, so nervous that his fingers became all sweaty. Beomgyu quickly sat up and finally typed that username on the note into the searching bar. With each letter he added, the number of possible accounts got smaller, until only one account was left - it was a boy. His heart was pounding so fast against his chest, the raven-haired assumed it would jump out his chest any moment. Never in his life did he click so fast on an account like he did right now.

The side was loading extremely slow, too slow for the inpatient boy. "Yah!", he yelled at his phone and immediately the account had loaded. Surprisingly the account wasn't set on private, so Beomgyu had full display on the post of that obviously very attractive guy. Beomgyu could swear, he'd seen him before, but he didn't knew where, probably somewhere in school. That pink-haired guy seemed to be called Yeonjun, like it said in his description and he was nineteen, which meant he was two years older and would graduate next summer. But didn't it said DC in the notes? That guy was called Yeonjun, nothing that started with D or C.

Should he still risk it?
Beomgyu wasn't sure anymore. But after all, what did have to lose? Actually nothing. He clicked on the Follow-button and opened his direct messages to text the other.
Beomgyu's heart was freaking out, he had the feeling to pass out any moment. The raven-haired even hold his breath while typing a simple hi.

 The raven-haired even hold his breath while typing a simple hi

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It's Beomgyu here

So u really followed my insta
Omg thank u

Yeah haha
But I wasn't sure tbh


There was always a DC on the notes
I assumed ur name starts with a d or a c, but as I can see it doesn't

Oh yeah, sorry
I wanted the notes to be as anonymous as possible, that's why I wrote DC on them
My English name is Daniel but I prefer Yeonjun more, Idk
Even back in the States I made sure everyone called me Yeonjun
Sorry for the confusion, I didn't mean to

No need to be sorry, it's fine
So ur from the States?

Umm yeah?

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