Melissa x Nicole

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no ones POV: Nicole laid down in the hotel bed, they where at comic do she's sharing a room with Melissa, Ones the tv was off Talking back and forward about random things Melissa realized Nicole was fast asleep

Melissa yawned turning on her side pulling the covers close falling asleep, about 2 hours after they feel asleep Nicole started moving around a lot there was sweat dripping down her forehead


Nicole was on set Katie was the first to say something mean soon the whole cast where telling her awful things about herself it hurt

end of dream

Nicole woke up panicking her heart feeling like it's about to explode did the cast really hate her, what if they did, and they just pretend they like her, that's all she kept thinking about making it harder to breath sweat was dripping down her forehead melissa

woke up to the sound of panting she sat up turning the lamp on and looked at Nicole and Ran beside her

Melissa: heyyy what's happened

*Nicole is unable to say a word*

Melissa: your okay, take a deep breath in and out

*Nicole tries her hardest but fails miserably at this point she's panicking 10x more*

Melissa: hey hey focus on me that's it what's 3 things you can see

Nicole: y you t t the l l light a and t t the w window

Melissa: good job okay what about 3 things you can hear

Nicole: y your v voice c car's a and people t talk

Melissa: well done hey no no i need you to keep focusing on me

*Nicole shakes her head trying to get her breathing under control Melissa pulled nicole into her*

Melissa: copy my breathing in and out

*Nicole managed to copy her needless to say it worked Her hands still shaking Melissa whipped her head and tears*

Melissa: i got you, it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it; but you can if you like

*Nicole looked at melissa tiredly*

Nicole: i i had a bad dream

Melissa: ok

Nicole: just we where on set, and yous came up to me 1 by one telling me awful things about myself

Melissa: hey listen to me, whatever those things where they aren't true okay, your amazing, talented, gorgeous, kind, and everything above okay

*Nicole nodded and smiled a little*

Melissa: are you feeling okay now

Nicole: mhm, my chest hurts still

Melissa: it's alright i'm here for you okay

Nicole: thank you

Melissa: ofc

*Melissa laid beside Nicole*

Melissa: you'll feel better in the morning

*Nicole nodded hoping she was correct, the feeling in her chest; she hated it but she was great full melissa was there and helped her through it*

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Nicole x Melissa

Chyler x Nicole

Nia x Kara
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