High Tide

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Lying back on Sarah's bed, staring at the ceiling as she changes her outfit once again

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Lying back on Sarah's bed, staring at the ceiling as she changes her outfit once again. Going back to normality and away from the drama with the Pogues, I can just pretend it never happened. 

"I can't believe your father grounded you," Sarah brings up, "I saw your car, there was barely a dent," she adds, believing my lie that the reason I am in trouble is that I crashed my car into our garage door. 

"Yeah, he's totally overreacting" I play along, "I mean he is only letting me out today because we are cleaning up the beach" I add as she finally finishes getting ready.

"They are still letting you go to Midsummer's right?" She asks. 

"Of course" I nod, "us not showing up would raise too many suspicions" and damage our reputation with the Figure Eight elites. 

"I can't wait" Sarah squeals, "I already have my dress" I am not as excited as Sarah, Midsummer's is just an event filled with fake smiles and kissing ass. 

"You and Topper matching?" I sit up, "he wants to" she shrugs, not really caring about going with Topper. "You have him whipped" I chuckle, "shut up" she laughs, throwing a pillow at me. 

"We should go, the guys are waiting" she ties her shoes, "I've been ready for an hour, it is you that we have been waiting on" I point out. "Okay, don't hate" she pulls me up and nudges me out the door. 

"Oh, how did yours and Rafe's big date go?" We walk down the stairs. 

"It hasn't happened yet, we had to reschedule" I answer, "why? I thought you were excited about it" she questions. "Something came up" I keep it vague, remembering my adventure with Maybank and how it was the most alive I have felt in years. 

We walk outside, spotting Topper and Rafe in Topper's boat. They are laughing about something but stop talking when they see us. 

Topper jumps off to rush over to Sarah, hugging her and bringing her in for a kiss. Rafe stays seated, pretending I don't exist. His last words to me were asking if I was afraid of him, he didn't seem pleased with my lack of an answer. 

I act unbothered, hopping onto the boat without his help, I sit down next to him. 

"Hey" I mumble, he shrugs, sipping on his beer. 

"We need to talk" I lean into his shoulder but he brushes me off, ignoring me again. I stop trying, not wanting to draw any attention to it. We sit beside each other, close physically but miles apart emotionally. 

Topper helps Sarah onto the boat, both of them unaware of the awkward silence between Rafe and I. 

"Nice boat Topper" I compliment to make it seem like everything is okay, "thanks, it's the newest model" he brags. 

"Let's get going" Rafe unties the boat and Topper gets it started. Soon enough, we are speeding through the water towards the other side of the island. 

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