- My Happiness Is You -

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Waiting, she was holding onto a bouquet, taking a breath, the doors opened, and Voight had his tux, "are you ready?" He asks, "yea, I am, still so nervous" she smiles, he put the veil down, covering her face, and she smiles, facing the door, he took his arm out and she slid her arm through. The doors opened.

Jay was standing there, all nervous, while Sylvie, Natalie, and Kim were standing on the Bride's side, and then next to him down the steps were Will, Adam, and Kevin. "You're doing amazing" Will encourages, "you also look amazing" Adam adds, he smiles, and that's when the song started playing, and the doors opened. There she was, all gorgeous and dressed up. Her white dress was so simple and yet so beautiful. It was like a delicate flower bloomed, and her face, she still looked so pure after all these years with him.

Voight clears his throat, as she takes a deep breath, "I'm ready" she looks at Voight, he smiles, "you got this, I know you do" he encourages her. That's when the music started playing, it was Canon in D, her favorite. Walking down the isle, she felt the lovely feeling, no butterflies, no nervousness, all just excited, and including emotionally. Looking at Jay, tears were probably overfloating his eyes, he smiled widely, so happily.

Reaching to the steps, Voight hugs Jay, and Jay takes his hand out, she smiles accepting his hand, "hi" he smiles, "hey, you're crying" she wipes off some of his tears that were on the bottom of his cheek, close to his chin. Turning, she gave the bouquet to Sylvie, who was her maid of honor. Then facing the pastor, "welcome, today we are celebrating a new love around the air, Jay Halstead, and Y/n L/n. You both may start your vows."

"Jay, um, the day I met you, you were a hottie, I really liked you, I thought you were cute, and Voight was probably my angel that year, he assigned me and you as partners, and we were both just, crazy, definitely not the people you want to meet when drunk. I'm so thankful for you, everyday single day, you make me feel safe around you, after all these years of thinking that I was the messed up one, that I don't deserve someone with such a good heart, and here I am, in front of you, saying these vows. I'm about to be the most luckiest women in the world. Thank you, and I love you." She smiles, wiping off some of the tears that were going down through her cheeks.

While Jay had tears streaming down, he laughs sniffling a little bit, "gosh, this is crazy. Never have I thought that I would be married to the girl that I always thought of as a partner only. You always gave me this feeling that I had to always protect you, and make sure you don't know the real world, but I think, I wanna know the real world with you, I wanna spend the rest of my life knowing you, as my wife, knowing what we have a future together ahead of us, have our children running around our home, us getting older, I wanna know you better, and I wanna be thankful for so many other things. You're flaws, you're passion, you're dedication of work. I'm so thankful for you, and I'm willing to go through miles for you." 

He smiles, "Jay, you didn't need your piece of paper" she whispers, as he looks down at his pocket seeing his vow written down, "well I guess I just needed to speak from my heart" they both hold each other's hands tightly.

"Ok, now for the rings" the pastor looks around, Natalie points to her son, Owen, as he walks towards them with a pillow, with two rings, tied. Y/n crouches down, "thanks Owen" she thanked, untying the rings from the pillow, Jay held onto her arm, as she gets up, giving her ring to Jay, while holding onto his. 

"Repeat after me. I, Jay Halstead, take you"
"I, Jay Halstead, take you"
"to be my wife" "to be my wife" "to have and to hold" "to have and to hold" "from this day forward" "from this day forward" "for better, for worse" "for better, for worse" for richer, for poorer" "for richer, for poorer" "in sickness and in health" "in sickness and in health" "to love and to cherish" "to love and to cherish" "until we are parted by death" "until we are parted by death." "This is my solemn vow." "This is my solemn vow."

He inserts the ring to her left ring finger, the gem was shining beautifully, looking at her, he caresses it.

"Repeat after me. I, Y/n L/n, take you"

"I, Y/n L/n, take you""to be my wife" "to be my wife" "to have and to hold" "to have and to hold" "from this day forward" "from this day forward" "for better, for worse" "for better, for worse" for richer, for poorer" "for richer, for poorer" "in sickness and in health" "in sickness and in health" "to love and to cherish" "to love and to cherish" "until we are parted by death" "until we are parted by death." "This is my solemn vow." "This is my solemn vow."

She does the same thing and inserts it. She giggles while tears were still falling down from joy and happiness.

"In the power blessed in me, I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" the pastor announces. Jay wraps his arms around her waist, "can you please scratch my back?" she whispers to Jay, Jay looks at her, going to the bottom, "a little higher, to the left" he was following her instructions, "left, left" she says again, she lets out a good sigh. He smirks, "thanks bro" she thanked, "bro??" he asks, he takes his hand to her lower waist and brought her closer, instantly capturing his lips with hers. The two shared a passionate kiss.

"Jay, remember when you proposed to me, and I said you're my happiness, I really did mean it" she smiles, "my happiness, is you, Y/n" the two smiled finally giving an embrace, "shall we walk through the isle Mrs. Halstead?" Jay asks, "yes please" he instantly carried her, she laughs in happiness.

The two finally got together, knowing their happiness is each other.

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