Chapter 22

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Unknown POV

I walk up to the house, not sure if I can go through with the plan.

It's dark outside, the only light source is the old porch light and the stars shining above.

I peek into the window of the house and see them.

Daryl and Peyton.

Daryl's walking around the kitchen holding Peyton who looks as if she had fallen asleep. He kissed her head and soothes her hair as he rocks her around.

I sigh and sit down, leaning my back against the house and rub my face with my large calloused hands.

I can't do this... I just can't.

Aggravated, I grab handfuls of dirt and throw them angrily.

With another sigh and stand up and kick the dirt harshly before making my way to the front door.

Daryl's POV

I was still holding a sleeping Peyton when the front door opens and slams aggressively.

I flinch and Peyton stirs a bit but doesn't wake up.

I go into the living room angered and see Merle leaning against the wall, bloodied and beaten. "Wha' the hell happened to ye'?!" I ask shocked.

He looks up and his red bruised eyes meet mine, he had a look of fear and shock, something I haven't seen since we were knee high.

"We gotta go" he says and makes his way down the hall and into his room.

Confused, I lay Peyton on the couch and cover her up before following after my brother. "Wha' the hell! Wha' do ye' mean we gotta go?!" I ask, repeating his words.

He stops packing his bag and sighs before turning to me. "Look, unless ye' wanna lose tha' little girl... we gotta go .. like now!" He says and then continues packing his bag quickly. "Look I'll explain later just pack up yers and her shit" he adds and I nod knowing and trusting my brothers seriousness.

I walk quickly back into the living room and gently wake up Peyton. "Hey, go to yer room and pack up some clothes, make sure to get enough to last ye' awhile" I tell her as she rubs her eyes and looks up at me.

"Daddy what's going on" she asks innocently.

I pick her up an carry her to her room and set her down, grabbing the top of her shoulders as I repeat what I told her earlier.

"Why daddy?" She asks again and doesn't move.

I groan, my irritation growing quickly, "jus' do wha' I told ye'!" I say and she nods and grabs a bag.

I run into my room and start packing some clothes and other stuff I'd need.

When I'm done I go to the truck and throw the bags in there, noticing Merles were already in there.. he's pretty fast at packing shit.. but it wasn't his first rodeo.

I go back inside and go to Peyton's room, she was going through each of her shirts and picking through them.

I groan as I saw she only had like 3 shirts chosen.

"Move" I tell her and push her aside as I start grabbing all her shirts and throwing them in a bag.

"Daddy I don't like that shirt!" She says and tries pulling it back out.

"I don' care!" I yell a little loudly and grab the shirt from her and throw it back in the bag.

She sits in the ground and crosses her arms and pouts.

When I finished i zipped up the bag and throw it over my shoulder. "C'mon" I tell her but he doesn't move.

"Dammit I said c'mon!" I shout and she flinches but doesn't move.

"Fine ye' don' wan' tha' shirt?" I ask and throw the bag on the bed and unzip it. I know I should stop but my anger gets the best of me and takes over..

She's only 5 I tell myself but my body doesn't stop.

I search through the bag for the shirt and find it. "Ye' don' like this one?!" I yell and she looks up at me with fear and tears in her eyes. It kills me on the inside but I don't show it. In one swift motion I was able to tear it in two and throw it across the room. "Happy now?!" I yell and zip the bag back up.

She allows her tears to fall but my anger is still to the roof. "Stop fuckin' cryin'! Yer fine!'" I scream at her and she flinches.

"Wha' the hell!! Why are ye' fuckin' yelling at her for?!" I hear my brother ask from behind me.

I turn around to face him and look back at Peyton who runs to him and he picks her up and buries her face into his neck. "She won' fuckin listen! She's bein a little brat!" I yell and notice Peyton flinch again.

"She's 5 dickhead! Wouldn' ye' be upset if I woke ye' up and started bossin ye' around?!" He yells back at me.

I narrow my eyes at him before taking her bag and pushing past them to go out to the truck. I slam my hands on the side of it and take a deep breath trying to cool down. I try not to think about what just happened because I know it'll just kill me more on the inside.


Peyton's POV

I cry into Uncle Merles shoulder because of Daddy's scary outburst. Especially when he called me a 'little brat' ... that what mommy called me before she hurt me.

"What's going on?" I ask Uncle Merle as he starts carrying me out to the truck.

"We're gonna go on a little trip for awhile" he answers while he rubs my back.

I smile a little through the tears. "A trip?" I ask excited.

He chuckles a little before answers "yeah... a trip" he says but then sighs heavily afterwards.


A/n: ohhh so we know who unknown is now!! Some of you guessed it right!

I don't have dedications for this chapter because I forgot to write them down ... My bad :\.

Anyways I posted a Norman story on my other account PerfxctReedus !!! Go check it out (I'll be posting another part lasted tonight)

Anywayssss questions for this chapter:

1.) who guess it was Merle?!

2.) Is Merle gonna follow through or is he gonna stay loyal to his family?

3.) what will Daryl do/say to Ashley?

4.) who wants to slap Daryl for making Peyton cry?! :'(

5.) predictions?!

//Don't forget to vote and comment!!//


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