I Am The Absorber Ch 10

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In this chapter, I decided to go ahead and finish up the part about his finding his power and running away. It skips ahead a few years to when Levi is 18.

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We headed to their house, weaving through various suburbs. The drive was much longer than I had expected, nearly half an hour. I watched the scenery go by, trying to remember as much of the route as possible, just in case. At one point we got stuck in a traffic jam a couple miles long but Laura said this was normal. Everybody going home at once just clogged up the freeway. She said it happened every morning too.

Laura and Ben Jones lived in a house at the edge of a swath of forest running through their suburb. It was a nice area of town but it was obvious that people who lived here didn't come from money. Their house was light blue and thin as a rail. It's two stories extended deep into the backyard instead of being a normal sized wide. The bottom floor was much wider than the second floor. A door was set into the very right edge of the front of the house.

"It's, uh, skinny." I said, staring up at it. The darkening sunlight streamed from behind it, making it hard to actually see the front of the house.

Ben came up beside me, carrying multiple grocery bags in both hands.

"Yup, it is. The people who built it wanted it like that. The lady had an obsession with old fashioned architecture. Fortunately for us, the interior is entirely modern. Their son had the interior entirely redone, then decided he'd rather just buy his own house and sell this one. Another couple bought it and rent it out to us." He unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Straight ahead was a staircase leading to the upstairs. Ben went directly to the left and I followed him into a living room. The bottom floor of the house was spacious. A door to the side led off into a neat bedroom and a second door beside the first led to a slightly messy bathroom. Behind the living room was a kitchen. The kitchen seemed to be just like the café, all chrome and white, the minimalist décor making the room seen shiny and futuristic.

Ben began setting the groceries down and putting them away while Laura came in behind me. She walked past Ben, into another room behind the kitchen. A light flicked on and she gave a twirl.

"Well," she said, laughing at my expression. "How do you like it?"

I was almost too speechless to respond. The house was beautiful, an artful masterpiece in the center of an urban sprawl.

"It's amazing. I wish I could live here."

The room Laura had just spun around in seemed to be some sort of sun room. Wicker furniture was strategically placed around clumps of fluffy potted plants. Red clay tile scraped slightly underfoot and windows dominated the entire wall, though they were currently covered by darkened blinds. A fake bird in a cage seemed to be the room's only tawdry decoration.

Laura opened a sliding glass door and stepped outside, beckoning me to follow her. I stepped into a covered porch straight out of Better Homes and Gardens. Vines crept up trellises and obscured the view of the yard. More wicker furniture, identical to the ones in the sun room, sat in a corner. The night sky was visible through wide slats in the roof.

"There's meat marinating in the fridge. Grab it and we'll fire up the grill." she called back to Ben. Then she motioned at one of the wicker chairs as she sat down in one. I followed her lead and collapsed in the one opposite hers.

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