16. Unexpected

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Kiyo POV

"How about this one?"

Kushida looked at the Halloween theme coffee mug I was holding for a few seconds before speaking up.

"I already have enough mugs. It won't fit the theme of my room either so I can't use it as a decoration either." She said and I looked at the mug once again.

It certainly wouldn't match in the cute room of a cute girl like Kushida.

Although if she switches her personality she certainly would be scary enough...

"Kiyotaka, let's go to the other shop." Kushida called me out and I followed her after placing the mug and my thoughts back in their place.

Currently we're hanging around the cruise ship going through the various shops and buying stuff we might like.

The exam had concluded yesterday and after hanging out for some time with Kushida and meeting up with my friends, I'd spent the rest of the day sleeping in the comfort of my room.

Today after I woke up something unexpected happened.

I got a message from Kushida inviting me to a date on the cruise ship.

To everyone other than me and Kushida this would've been a rather normal thing. But for me who knows that the relationship only exists to boost both mine and Kushida's popularity, her reasoning behind this date was somewhat of a mystery to me.

I'd thought of a couple of reasons behind the sudden invitation:

First, Kushida wanted to make our relationship more believable to the other students by going on dates from time to time. This was quite believable and probably the reason for her invitation.

Second, Kushida really wants to hang out with me, she has fallen for me and wants to become my girlfriend for real.

This was just a joke I told myself, there's no way that Kushida would fall for me, the person who made her betray her classmates, used her for his sake and has been rather harsh towards her. Right?

Jokes aside since my friends were more tired than me and wanted to relax a bit more, I accepted Kushida's invitation. Not like I had anything better to do anyways...

It's now been an hour since we started the date and we've gone through multiple stores, buying things we like and having fun.

I still don't know her intentions behind the date, but since I'm enjoying it it's fine even if I don't know them.

"Can we have lunch before continuing? " Kushida asked me with a smile on her face, pointing at the various restaurants ahead of us.


"Only if you let me eat you for desert." Hornykouji.

"With pleasure Kiyotaka-Sama!" Ecchishida.


"Yeah sure." I replied and we proceeded to enter a restaurant.

The restaurant wasn't very busy at the moment since most of the students already had lunch by now.

We were able to have lunch in peace, without anyone disturbing us.

While eating my meal, I noticed Horikita sitting a few table away from us. She had dark circles under her eyes and looked as if she was deep in thought. Her soufflé omelette had already deflated.

This girl had faced nothing but failures from the start of the school. Whether it being her brother demotivating her, her teacher being unfair towards them or me using her to cover up Kushida's betrayal.

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