8. Class C vs Sudo

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Kiyo POV

It's the 1st of June today, each class will receive their private points today, us students of Class A have received 104,000 private points this month alone, with this we have exceeded the amount the school had given us in the first month.

This morning I got a message from Kushida asking if I received points for this month. Apparently Class D haven't received any points, I'm not much surprised by this as the incident with Sudo and those Class C students is going to be discussed now.

I messages Hiyori and it seems like their Class hasn't received any points either. Looks like my suspicions are on mark. I sent out a message to a certain someone and closed my phone not waiting for the reply. Soon after that Mashima sensei enters the class and stands behind the teachers podium.

"There was a fight between Sudo Ken from Class D and some students from Class C. Class C has filed a complaint against Sudo. If you have any further knowledge regarding this incident please raise your hand." he said. Looks like they're going to tell all the Classes about this incident.

No one raised their hand and Mashima sensei began his lesson.

After lunch break begun Hashimoto turned around and started talking with me.

"What have you planned?" he asked me as I took a bite of my food.

"You'll see." I replied and he grinned.

"Well I need to go and talk to someone, I'll see you later." I said to him and left the classroom heading towards Class D.

As I opened the door of their Class, everyone in the Class turned their head towards me.

I saw Kushida being surrounded by her friends around her desk.

I ignored the multiple gazes of her classmates and walked upto her.

"If you don't mind, can I borrow Kikyo for some time?" I tried to sound a bit polite as to not scare them off with my voice.

Well that didn't work as now the boys who were glaring at me are shivering in their seats while Kushida's friends are standing there as if they saw a ghost.

"Well I'll see you guys later, bye." Kushida said to her friends as she dragged me outside the class with her.

"Why did you have to scare them off like that?" she asked me as we were walking towards the cafeteria.

"I tried to sound polite but that it didn't sound the way I wanted it to..." I replied to her.

Maybe if I had some ice cream it would've worked...

She sighed as we reached the cafeteria, bought our lunches and sat on a table.

"So what did you want to talk about?" she asked me.

"What if I told you I just wanted to meet my cute girlfriend?" I said trying to tease her.

She just sighed again before speaking up.

"Keep your jokes to yourself."

Meanwhile Kushida's thoughts : Arghh why does he have tease me like that, thank god I have good acting skills, I hope I didn't blush at his statement.

"About the incident regarding Sudo from your class." I said.

"Oh about that, well Sensei just told us that he got in a fight with those guys from Class C and they filed a complaint against him. They're holding a meeting in the Student Council Room in a few days." she said.

"I see, what do you think about it?"  I asked her opinion on the matter.

"Well if that hot headed idiot could just use his brain or not fight with everyone he talks to he wouldn't be in this situation in the first place, there wasn't any witness who could vouch for him so it looks like he'll atleast be suspended for a few weeks or maybe a month." she said playing with her fork resting her cheeks on the table.

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