9. Cruise

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Summer vacation

It's something that I've been curious for a while now. I first read about it when I was a kid in the white room.

The other children there also talked about their thoughts of how fun it would be to enjoy spending time swimming around with your friends and eating different kinds of food, not having to worry about getting punished or being discarded.

Even though they were used as an experiment they tried their best to keep the morale of those around them up. Because it was them who knew the most about the suffering their comrades are going through. At least that was for the first few years.

Our training had begun when we were just 4 years old. It's not like they didn't teach us anything during the first 4 years of our life, its just that the cruelty of the place came into view when we were 4.

It only took 3 months for the first child to lose his mind. He was unable to take on the pressure we were given and passed out in middle of a test.

All we were told was that he was discarded and that the same will be the fate of anyone else who isn't able to complete the tasks they're provided with.

Just like Hirata in Class D and Ichinose in Class B we also had children who would try to help our peers. But as time went by they themselves weren't able to take it anymore.

Everyone started to use underhanded tactics such as sabotaging someone else so thay won't have to take the last place.

Unfortunately for them 'that man' just went ahead and punished each and everyone who failed the tasks.

It didn't matter if you failed by a single mark or a hundred. The punishment you'll receive was equally cruel as anything harsher than that might just kill them on spot.

If not from the tasks, the children started dying from the punishments. I saw the children beg for mercy, shout in fear, lose their mind, I saw them suffer.

And I couldn't help but feel nothing.

It was truly unfortunate that they had to suffer through all that, and so did I. That's why I know better than anyone else how they felt.

But I couldn't feel anything.

I sill remember their words. They called me a Horrible Human being, A monster, some even went ahead and blamed me for their sufferings.

It's just that I didn't care. I just kept on doing what I was ordered to, kept on completing the tasks.

Some might say that the life I was living was meaningless, its no different if I were to die.

I have to disagree with those people, If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't give up I wouldn't have been able to feel all these things I'm feeling right now as I stand on the deck of this cruise.

I didn't give up and hoped that one day I'll be able to feel all those things that I read and saw in the books.

I don't know what I'm feeling but I'm sure that whatever it is it's different from what I felt in 'that place' when I was under the thumb of 'that man'.

I sighed and stopped thinking about that place as for the time I'm here I'd like to enjoy my freedom

I was staring at the sea in front of my eyes, this is the first time I've seen it and I have to agree to the fact that it's beautiful.

I noticed a yellow jellyfish in the ocean. It was pretty beautiful, although I'd rather not go near it as a jellyfish sting hurts. Or atleast that's what I read in those books.

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