Questions for y'all!

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These are some questions about the book:

1)Are you enjoying the story so far?

2)What do you think will happen next?

3)If the book was a TV show, which actors would you cast in it(except these two)

4)Did you learn any new words or facts so far? (Maybe not 'cause I use simple language)

5)What was your favorite part of the book till now? Why?

6)If you could change one thing from the book till now, what would it be?


These are for y'all:

1)Where are y'all from?

2)What's your age?

3)Which author do you like the most outside Wattpad?

4)Which is your favorite book? (inside and outside Wattpad both)

5)What genre do you like the most in books?

6)Do you believe in magic and ghosts?


Author's note

Hello, Ghosts!!!


Words: 133 ಠ_ಠ

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