iLove Dinner

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Me and Freddie stood outside Spencer's door. Waiting to share one more moment of our secret relationship.

"Well, here we are," Freddie said.

"Yup, here we are," I respond.

"You know, this whole secret relationship thing was pretty fun," he said. I couldn't agree more. The secret glances and kisses when nobody was looking were all pretty romantic. But I didn't want to keep it a secret forever.

"Yeah, but you learned how to lie," I said and elbowed him. Freddie and I kissed, for the sake of one last secret kiss. We pulled away after a little while, and we smiled at each other. I knocked on the door, and we walked in.

"Hey, Spencer." I said, "Where is Carly?" she was the only one who wasn't here.

"Oh, I think-"

"Hey guys!" she said and burst through the door. Just then I noticed Gibby.

"Hey Gibby," I said and walked toward him. I gave him a half hug (since I'm not a hugger) and we started talking hamsters (don't ask why. It was random.) After a while, Freddie got jealous and 'asked if he could borrow me for a moment.'

"Aww, is someone getting jealous?" I teased,

"No" he blushed "I just had to ask you something." Freddie is a really bad liar.

"What?" I asked. I got no response besides Freddie staring at his shoes. I glanced around to make sure nobody was looking, and I quickly placed a kiss on his cheek. Then I walked over to Gibby, and we continued talking about hamsters. Soon, Spencer put dinner on the table, and we went and ate. Before everyone got up off the table after table after eating, Freddie stood up, saying he had an announcement to make.

"Me and Sam and dating." He announced. He looked down and smiled at me, I smiled back, but everything else was awkward. Nobody said anything.

"We already knew." said Carly, breaking the awkwardness.

"Well I know how Millicent, Spencer, Carly, and my mom figured out, but how did you guys," Freddie said and pointed to Harper, Maeve, Gibby, and T-Bo.

"Well, Carly told me, and I told Maeve." Harper exlaimed, "sorry, I can't keep stuff from my roommate!"

"And I watched the special iCarly thing," Gibby said.

"Me too!" added T-Bo.

"What special... Carly." I muttered. I grabbed my phone and went to I hadn't been there in a while, and the first thing I saw was a bunch of photos of me and Freddie kissing, or hugging, or just smiling at each other.

"What the..." Then I clicked on the latest iCarly and watched.

"Hey, guys! Welcome to this unusual iCarly. You might be wondering why I'm doing iCarly right now, but it's for a good reason. As you know, I've been posting a bunch of photos of Sam and Freddie, and I've been getting a lot of comments that I've been photoshopping them. Well, to all those people who don't take my word for it, take a look a this." She turned the camera around and showed the millions of iCarly fans me and Freddie making out. I thought we had only kissed for a few seconds, but it seems like it was much longer than that because she kept on filming for almost 30 seconds. She turned the camera back around to face herself again.

"Well, there you have it, folks. Seddie. Thanks for tuning in for this iCarly. Bye!" She turned the camera off, and the video ended.

"Carly, if we weren't friends, you would've been in the hospital right now," I muttered. Carly laughed, and Mrs. Benson got up and went over to Freddie. Then she hugged him so hard, it looked like he was suffocating.

"Oh Freddie, I'm sorry! I should've let you date Sam! Well, I do now! I just watched that video, and really made me think that you guys are meant to be together. And you said you loved her! So, I'm not against the two of you anymore!" she exclaimed. She hugged Freddie for a couple more seconds and then went back to her seat and sat down. Freddie started blushing, and I think I did too (for like the first time ever.) He said he loved me? Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say.

"Really great food tonight Spencer," I said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, delicious," Carly added.

"Yum," Freddie said. We finished eating in silence, and Harper suggested we watched a movie. We hadn't watched a movie together in a while, so everyone agreed and sat down on the couch. I sat down between Carly and Freddie, but I didn't hold his hand or anything. We all ended up making stupid commentary on the movie and laughing at every single scene. It was almost midnight when we finally left. Spencer waved to us while we all left. Harper and Maeve headed for their apartment, Mrs. Benson went to her's, and Carly walked to ours. Before she went into the apartment, she wiggled her eyebrows at us and smirked. Freddie and I walked to the fire escape in silence and sat down in our usual spots. Freddie stared up at the sky, and I looked around, think about us. He finally broke the silence, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Do you... feel the same way about me?" he asked, not moving his gaze from the sky. I didn't know what to say? What I ready to say that? Would I seem weak? Would I become a daffodil? I guess I took too long to process everything because he got up and left. I can't let myself ruin this.

"I love you too," I whispered. He stopped but didn't turn around.

"I love you," I said a little louder, enjoying saying the words. He walked back toward me and held my hand.

"I love you," he said, staring right into my eyes. I had to look away from his intense gaze to be able to manage to say anything. Even while looked away, I couldn't get anything out of me. He gently lifted my chin so that I was looking at him, and he leaned in and kissed me. This was the best answer I could get. After pulling away, he sat down next to me and pulled a box out of his pocket. My eyes widened,

"Freddie," I asked, "don't you think it's a little too early for this?" Did he really want to propose right now? Freddie laughed, and I stared at him confusedly. Why was he laughing?

"I'm proposing to you," he said when he finally stopped laughing. "Not yet," he added. I looked down and smiled, not wanting him to see it. He smiled back, so I looked back up and met his gaze. He opened the box and inside was a small heart locket that had Seddie engraved on it. It was so beautiful, it took my breath away. I picked it up and opened it. One photo was of us making out, and the other was a photo of us laughing. Who took these photos of us? Oh, Carly. I smiled, who cared, they were... cute.

"It's beautiful," I said, still amazed. I put it around my neck, and Freddie helped me put it on. I smiled at him, lost in his beautiful smile and loving brown eyes.

"I love you," he said. I hesitated, was he really gonna make me say this again? I feel so weak when I say it. Vulnerable almost. I cleared my mind, say what you feel, I thought to myself. I took a deep breath,

"I love you too," I responded. He broke out into a grin and I had to smile back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands on his shoulder and kissed him. Who knew after all these years, Fredward would end up being the man I love.

Thank you for reading this! I hope you enjoyed! Please comment, vote, and share!

Special thanks to @stawka for voting on pretty much all my stories so far! Thanks! 

Till next time!

- FromTheInside

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