iFigured Out

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I stared up the ceiling and thought of last night. I wasn't able to sleep all night, and now it's bright outside, so there's no hope. I hadn't shed one tear over that nerd. Such a dork. I can't believe I even tried to date him again.


"A little too much if you ask me!" I shot back.

"Why are you insulting my mom?!" he asked

"You guys are an easy target!" I scoffed. He didn't respond so I continued, "You better have an explanation for this text,"

"You're just, so... Immature!" he thought before finding the right word.

"Well, at least I'm something! Unlike you."

"I'm more than nothing, unlike you!" he shot back.

"Are you saying I'm nothing?!"

"Yeah! That's what I'm saying."

"Then I guess I'm nothing for you!" we were silent for a minute or two, but I broke the silence.

"Maybe this won't work out after all," I said in a quiet voice.

"Sam, that's not what I meant," he put a hand on my shoulder, but I kept my eyes glued to my shoes. I didn't know what else to say, so I left,

"Sam! Don't leave!" Freddie called behind me, I slammed the door and walked out. I felt tears coming to my eyes, but I blinked them back. I'm not gonna cry. Not over that nub. He means nothing to me.

Did Freddie even want to break up with me? Did I overreact? Ugh. I got out of bed and got some ham out of the fridge. I'm just gonna try to avoid Fredward today, I don't wanna hear one word from him.


Who sent that message? Who sent that message? The question kept repeating itself over and over again in my head. Ugh! I don't Sam to break up with me over such a small thing! I've gotta save us. I thought of ways I could try to figure out who was on my phone? Maybe it was a glitch, or it was hacked? Nah, my mom put this security thing on my phone to help me stay away from viruses (even though I've never gotten one on my phone.) Security! That's it! My mom placed security cameras all over our house! I took them out of my room cuz I got annoyed, but I can check them and see who went on my phone! I jumped up and ran for my computer, I went and played the security footage from 7:00 pm, because that's when we got back from the art museum. I watched it, and at first, it was boring, but I had to keep going, for Sam. In the footage, I got up from the couch and went to the bathroom, leaving my phone on the couch. Millicent grabbed my phone and started writing something on it. I turned off the footage, I had seen enough. Millicent? I thought she liked Sam. Why would she send that message? Is she trying to break us up? I cleared all these thoughts and shot a message to Sam, hoping she would come over.


While I was eating my ham, I got a message from the nub. Please come over, I know who sent the message. I scoffed and responded, Well, I don't know who sent this message. He sent me a photo of himself, and I had to stop myself from smiling. Well, I better go see what fudge face has to go say. I picked the lock on his door and stealthily made my way to his room. I went in and saw Freddie sitting in front of his computer.

"What is your great discovery Fredbag?" I asked, he turned to look at me and gave me a small smile and I glared back. He motioned for me to come over to his computer.

"Okay, so my mom had security cameras placed all over our house. I took the ones in my room out because she started excessively stalking me-"

"Get to the point Benson!" I was already annoyed about how long this was taking.

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