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/3rd person POV/


XD was a weird creature. They could appear in any form. It just depended on how you saw them in your mind. XD could appear as your best friend or your worst enemy. Or even something completely incomprehensible.

But for M/n, he was a large being. Maybe twelve (365.76 cm) feet tall? Two sets of wings, two sets of arms and hands, a human body wrapped in a green cloak. And his head was just a floating ball with a jagged XD carved in it.

"Oh, come on now", XD crooned, "Don't be like that," they circled M/n, running a hand over his back. M/n pursed his lip and brushed it off, scoffing.

"Again, what do you want XD? And what the hell was that thing you did with your voice?" M/n asked, and the god tilted his head slightly. "Oh, that?" XD said, their head rotating on a swivel, "That was just to scare those kids off."

"I'll never get over how you can do that," M/n said, referring to the head swivel. "It's not like you never seen me do it before," XD shot back.

M/n leaning his cheek against his palm and smiled, "You've become a lot sassier since I last saw you."

XD put their two pointer fingers together. Their moods could change with a drop of a dime. "I made a deal with someone who would teach me to be more like yo-, more like a human," XD said.

"Who in their right mind would do that?" M/n snorted, taking an apple out of his inventory and biting a chunk out of it.

"George", XD admitted, and M/n could see an image of the mushroom man burning in XDs' 'eyes'. "I said in their right mind," M/n snorted, tossing his apple in the air before taking another bite, "And you're ignoring my question, XD. Why are you here? You haven't visited me in ages."

XD had the audacity to look sheepish, "I figured that you wouldn't want to see me. After what I did."

M/n paused, looking down at his finished apple core. He placed it into his inventory and sighed. "It's in the past, XD. There's nothing that can be done about it now." M/n said, absentmindedly running his fingers over his shoulder.

"Do you miss them?" XD asked, floating around M/n and placing a hand on his spine. M/n waved his hand, "Sometimes, but you learn to live without em."

XD blinked, or something like blinking. "You couldn't live without that little, blue, ghost man. You weren't supposed to get him. He was supposed to pass on you know?"

"I'm sure Kristen will forgive me", M/n said, untying his braid, letting his hair flow down, "It's not like she doesn't owe me. I helped her meet her damn husband, to begin with."

"Meet", XD said, making quotation marks in the air, "She literally just gave you the description of her ideal man, and you made him."

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