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This chapter is all plot, so when it says someone's name, I'm referring to the characters, not the IRL people.

Also, could you guys make some story-based memes? I'm really curious to see what you guys would come up with. I might make an entire chapter about it if I get enough.

And people are asking me to spare some gender, and I don't know HOW.


M/n's POV

"U/n, you have to move, please," Tommy begged, nudging me lightly. I hadn't moved from where I had collapsed three hours ago. I stared through the glass below me with a blank expression. Wilbur had disappeared quite a while ago, going to who knows where.

I glanced at him and sighed softly, wiping at my dried tears. "Tommy..." I started, "What happened?"

Tommy pursed his lip, a pained look in his eyes.

"I-," he croaked out, "I was angry, and I did a stupid thing. I brought Ghostbur to the prison as bait to get to Dream. We got to him, but I messed up. Sam stopped us and I was brought back.

But Ghostbur was trapped on the other side, with Dream. I argued with Sam to get him back over, but he wouldn't. It got worse, and Sam lowered the lava. He said that if he ever caught me near the prison he would murder me." Tommy said, and he was almost crying. 

I set my hands on his shoulders, "Tommy, Tommy stop." I said, shaking him slightly, and he looked up at me, "You're ok now, you're here, not in the prison. You're safe."

Tommy looked confused, "Why aren't you mad at me? I'm the reason Ghostbur is gone, the reason your husband is gone!" he exclaimed, and I just looked at him. 

"Tommy," I sighed, "I'm upset right now, of course, I am. I really cared for Ghostbur. But I can wait to grieve, just a little longer. Right now, I have to take care of what's in front of me. Which is you." I said, and Tommy looked shocked. 

Then, slowly, but surely, his eyes filled with tears. He hiccuped and reached his arms out. I held him gently as he cried, he was shaking violently. But I stayed. Tommy started talking about his trauma, telling me everything.

I pursed my lip, why had this all happened to him? Wars, being killed, exile, all of it. It was ridiculous. It had all started because one man with an ego the size of a country couldn't let go. 


Tommy, Tubbo, Purpled, Ranboo, they were all children. But every day, they would have to be on their guards in case something happened to them. Just so they wouldn't be assassinated by someone who held a grudge.

They were all good kids, wonderful even. That included Tommy.

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