i'm Back

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The wind blew through my hair as I rode my motorcycle. It had only been a month since I had joined this stupid motorcycle gang, and I already hated it. I was going back to Seattle. I saw that Carly had started up iCarly again, AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME!!!! And I'm pretty mad about it. We did iCarly together, as co-hosts, partners, friends. And she started it again and she didn't even text me! But, I'm also going back to Seattle because I miss my friends. I moved back to Seattle for college (so had Carly) and stayed there till I was 25. But after that, I moved back to L. A to live with Cat. Then a month ago, I joined the Obliterators. But that got boring, fast. So here I am, heading back down to Seattle, the place where I belong.



"Harper!!!" I yelled. Where was she?! We were going to film iCarly in 5 minutes and Harper still hadn't given me an outfit to wear.

"Coming!" she yelled and burst through the door. She held up the outfit and my mouth dropped open. She was grinning at my reaction.

"Wow." I breathed. This was the best and most beautiful outfit I had ever seen.

"Well, go put it on!" she said and shoved the outfit in my arms. I ran to my room to try it on. I slipped it on and looked at the mirror. I looked gorgeous. I walked out of my room and modeled for Harper. She clapped her hands in excitement.

"You looked AMAZING!!" she exclaimed "But remember to mention on iCarly that I designed your outfit. Okay?" she said while pushing me out of the door.

"Don't worry, I won't forget no matter what," I said and walked into Spencer's apartment.


"In 5, 4, 3, 2," Freddie pointed at me

"Hello everyone! Welcome back to iCarly! Now you might be wondering who designed my amazing outfit. Well, it is the one the only-" I was cut off by the door being flung open.

"OMG!!! SAM!!!!" I exclaimed and ran toward her. I hugged her tight. Freddie turned around so that the camera was facing us.

"Hey Carls, you doing iCarly right now? Is this a bad time?" She said while hugging me back.

"Sam! Don't say that! There's no wrong time if you're here!" I said and pulled away. I smiled at her. She smiled back, but then raised her eyebrow

"Why didn't you tell me you were starting iCarly?"

"Well, I didn't want you to leave that motorcycle gang just for iCarly. You were always talking about it, so when you got in it, I didn't want you to leave it for this."

"Carls, firstly I quit that motorcycle gang cuz it was really bad. Second, if I was having a great time with the Obliterators, then I wouldn't have left it for iCarly. Third, iCarly is something we do together, so you should've told me." I knew she was right,

"I know, I should've. I'm sorry. But know that you're here..." I pointed toward the camera and wiggled my eyebrows.

"And I'm Sam!" she exclaimed

"And this is iCarly!!" we said together. Freddie tossed Sam her blue remote, and her mouth fell open.

"You still have this?!" she asked.

"Carly gave it back to me in case you came back for the show," Freddie replied. Sam and I continued the show, and everything was like old times.


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