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Gandalf stands and begins to chant in the Black Speech. The ring echoes the harsh words. Thunder crackles as the sky darkens. The Council stare around them in fear and confusion.

-Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

(One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them.)

Arya gasps as the whispering intensifies and the presence jabs into her mind hard.

-Do not worry. I am here- she feels Argent's own consciousness join hers and breathes calmly as the presence retreats back into the darkness it had come from.

The voice of the Ring dies away. People resume their seats, horrified, Boromir amongst them and Gandalf shares a concerned look with the woman having seen her reaction to the black speech.

-Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris!- Elrond reprimands Gandalf.

-I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The Ring is altogether evil!

He gives Boromir a final scathing glance and resumes his seat. Boromir is unperturbed and keeps his head up high.

-It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor- he tries again -Why not use this Ring?- he starts pacing -Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!

-You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master- Strider says.

-And what would a ranger know of this matter?

Arya watches as Legolas stand from his seat, already done with the man's incorrigible attitude.

-This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance- so Strider had been the man Arwen had spoken to outside Arya's room.

-Aragorn? This... is Isildur's heir?

-And heir to the throne of Gondor- she had been travelling with royalty.

She notices Frodo looks wide-eyed at Aragorn. He must have not known.

-Havo dad, Legolas. (Sit down, Legolas).- Aragorn motioned for the elf to sit.

-Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king- but it was clear in his voice even he was dubious of his statement.

-Aragorn is right. We cannot use it.

-You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed.

-Then what are we waiting for?- a dwarf stood and grabbed the axe he had besides him.

Approaching the pedestal, he strikes the Ring with full force but is repelled back, throwing him to the ground. Concurrently, Frodo sees the Eye of Sauron in his mind and winces in pain. Arya stands from her chair while the others rush to help the fallen dwarf and she takes the hobbit's shoulder gently, standing by his side.

The Ring remains intact with the shards of the axe all around it. Whispers in the black tongue issue forth from the Ring and Arya hisses low as it once again tries to penetrate her mind. Frodo looks up at her as the lady tightens her hold on his arm.

-The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Glóin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this.

They all started to speak their opinions as Frodo remains seated, watching the Ring, with the figures of the council reflected on its surface.

Flames flare up, engulfing the surface of the Ring and the intensity of the arguments increase. Slowly, determination dawns on Frodo's face. He stands and takes a few steps toward the arguing council, trying to make his voice heard. Arya's grip loosens although she does not want to.

-I will take it! I will take it!

The argument dies down and she watches as Gandalf closes his eyes as he hears Frodo's statement. The members of the council slowly turn towards Frodo, astonished.

-I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though — I do not know the way.

-I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear- Gandalf places his hands reassuringly on Frodo's shoulders.

-If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will- Aragorn approaches Frodo You have my sword.

-And mine- they finally take notice of the lady that had been there sitting silently the whole time and watch as she presses a hand with her rider's mark to her chest, kneeling a bit to kiss the hobbit's forehead. She slips a small runed charm into his pocket giving him a smile.

-And you have my bow- Legolas walks to join them.

-And my axe!- Arya is amused by the grim look the ginger bearded dwarf throws at Legolas as he joins the group

-You carry the fate of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done- Boromir says.

Arya then watches in amusement as the other three hobbits jump from their hiding places startling the lord elf as they two volunteer to follow their friend to wherever he had to go.

-So, where are we going?- Arya smiles at Pippin's naive ness.


After the meeting Arya meets up with Arwen who helps her out of the dress and into her travel clothes. Arya grabs her belt where she kept her sword and daggers given to her by Angela made of diamond and silver that could cut through anything and had been enforced by spells so the would not break easily and the whip that curled like a bracelet on her forearm, given to her one hundredth birthday.

Arwen gave her a pack with food from them and water as well as some rope and ointments for injuries.

-Thank you my friend- Arya hugged the elleth and went to join Aragorn who was waiting for the others at the gates.

In a glade beneath an old stone arch, the Fellowship gathers to bid farewell to Rivendell. Elrond speaks to them, gazing sternly at the faces before him. Arya observes Frodo as he stands, listening, slightly apart from the others; leaves flutter to the earth.

-The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him no oath nor bond is laid, to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all free folk go with you.

Elrond spreads his arms, and Legolas and Aragorn bow their heads, hands upon hearts. Arya nods her head to the Lord.
Frodo is called upon by Gandalf and he turns and walks forward, uncertainly. Before him, the path winds away to either side.

-Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?- Arya catches him whispering to Gandalf.



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