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In India , a truly ancient legend that predates the Hindu religion tells of a large Island of unparalleled beauty that long ago lay in the centre of a vast central Asian sea, just north of the modern day Himalayas

A race of godlike people with strange powers lived isolated on the island, uncommunicating with the outside world except through a number of deep tumbles, which strectched out in all directions each hundreds or thousands of miles long, burrowing underneath whole continents and even oceans.

On this isolated island, society flourished at an extraordinary rate of science and the arts developed peacefully never threatened by wars or epidemics, remaining purposefully hidden to protect their wealth of knowledge from the calamities that habitually plagued their brother and sisters in this outside world.

But a tremendous force was soon to be befall the earth, and even this utopia was doomed to distruction if they started their place, perhaps a great flood Oran invading force of epic proportions. The exact reason is not know but the story tells that the people of the island escaped by moving their society into those tunnels and rebuilding their civilization entirely underground.

No longer an island but a subterranean kingdom leaving no trace on the surface, but the entrances to their tunnels, most caved in over thousands of years. For purposes of investigation, this lost empire will be know as Agartha that survived the hidden paths to Agartha that survived are still said to exist in the ancient ruin cities of India. This legend of the island is particularly strange because if taken absolutely literally, obviously there is no ocean in North or the Himalayas.

But instead Takalmakhan and Gobi dessert. But if we took a trek into the arid weather-bleached peaks of Everest, K2 or Kanchenjunga. You may be advised not to trip over the counters fish bones and coral reef remnants, and fossils of sea lilies littered across some of the tallest peaks.

It's a lesser- known fact that the mighty Himalayas, often called the roof of the world were once underwater and that was a Tethys sea, before the massive geological event know as a continental drift took place and India collided into Eurasia, where it remains to this day.

The concept of Agarthaa is deceivingly simple, an inner earth kingdom linked to every continent of the world by means of an extensive network of tunnels. But the investigation is not easy one for such an expansive and archaic topic that is typically skewed with conspiracy theories, the truth of a genuine inner earth civilization that may still exist today remains in obscure documents.

But I  want to begin with a studious Frenchman by the name of Alexandra Saint - Yves and the rather bizarre circumstances of how he came to be acquainted with the secret world, accidentally letting it loose into the minds of westerners, where the land of Agarthaa, continues to be seperated upon and even searched for this day....

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