Chapter Three

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I just let myself get kidnapped.

Shit shit shit shit. My breathing started getting faster and my body began to shake. I tried to keep my breathing normal so that he wouldn't notice but I guess it was too late.

"What's going on?" He said while keeping his eyes on the road. Crap he noticed. He notices everything! "I umm...well-" He tightened his grip on the wheel. "I ALREAD- sigh, I already told you I won't do anything lewd I'm only taking you so that I don't get caught. And I told them we're together so we kinda have to play the part for now..." He bit his lip in annoyance. "SHIT." He hit the wheel which made the car swerve. His breathing was rugged. "God dammit." He muttered under his breath. After a few minutes of silence he said," Listen, I'll keep you with me until I can clear up the situation. We'll 'break up' in a month or two. And I'll say this once: I'll only hurt you if you anger me. So watch it."


His house was HUGE. At least compared to mine. The grass was a vivid green, beautiful trees and flowers lined the driveway. The house look almost new even in the rain. The man got out of the car and walked around to my side to open the door. He put out his hand for me to grab and so I did. "I suppose I never got your name." He asked me as I stood up. "It's Y/N." He smiled and took his hand off mine. "That's a very pretty name. We should hurry up and get inside before we're soaked." He grabbed the blueprints out of his car and walked towards the house, gesturing me to follow. "I'm William Afton. Co-owner of Freddy's." He said confidently. I rolled my eyes. So that's where he got all that money.

He opened the front door and let me in first. The interior was really clean which was very surprising. Why does he need such a large house if its just him? He must be single if he's pretending to be with me. And he most likely doesn't have any kids or anything so what the heck? But I didn't dare ask him about his personal life...yet.

He gave me a quick tour through the house, telling me where I could go and where I couldn't. "And this will be your room." He stepped inside the room. It was simple but nice. It had a private bathroom which was really cool. "Okay do whatever you want, just don't leave the property. And don't go in the rooms I told you not to, got it?" He said, standing in the doorway. "Yeah yeah you've only said it ten times already." He grunted and walked off to who knows where.

I explored the house a little more, staying away from the restricted rooms. I headed towards the living room and searched for any gaming console. LETS GO. I found a nintendo switch and hooked it up to the tv to start playing (whatever game you want). I played for a few minutes until someone said, "Who are you?!" I paused the game and turned over to see a kid, who was the spitting image of William, with a panicked face. "What? Are you his kid?" The child had a confused expression written on his face. "Well duh. Are you his new wife or something?"


"He's only 26." The kid laughed. "I'm Michael Afton." He grabbed a controller and sat down a few feet away from me. "Can I join?" He held his controller up. "Sure." I smiled.

"STOP SPAMMING THAT MOVE MIKE." I yelled at him as he laughed, "Nope."
We played for a couple hours, occasionally asking each other questions. "So why are you here if you aren't his girlfriend?" Michael asked. "Well-"

"She is my girlfriend." William said. Oh great. "So you are getting married with him?" Michael asked. "NO!" I hissed. "Disgusting." I could hear William laughing in the corner. "I'm so confused." Michael said. "Me too." I mumbled.

"Okay finish up your childish game, dinner is ready." He already made it? He's quick and quiet. No wonder he gets away with murder. Oh shit I'm living with a murderer. I can't believe I already forgot. Michael turned off the game and we headed to the dinner table.

"So how long how you guys been together?" Michael asked. "Michael we aren't actually together I was joking." William corrected him. "So why is she here then?" William pondered for a second before responding. "To make sure she doesn't snitch." Michael seemed to immediately know what his father meant so he shut up and ate his food. Michael knows his dad is a killer? Poor kid...


"Didn't think you'd be a good cook." I mumbled as I put my plate away. "You'd be surprised at all the things I'm good at." William smirked as he slid past me. "Ew." I growled. He chuckled quietly as I walked up to my room to get ready for bed. "Goodnight Y/N!" Michael said to me as he went to his room. "Come to me if you need anything." He smiled. "Thanks Mike, goodnight." He's a good kid considering his dad is a terrible influence. "Oh wait I need clothes..." Dangit I have to talk to William again. I shuffled back down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Hey I need some clothes." William looked over at me while doing the dishes. "Oh okay, one second." Normally I would offer to help but I don't wanna be near that rat. He finished a few minutes later and walked past me. "Alright follow me." I shuddered. The way he said it was...unsettling.

We walked down the hall to his room in silence. He opened the door and went inside. "You can come in you know." William said as he opened a drawer. "But what about-"
"As long as I give you permission to come in then it's fine." He said as he handed me some clothes. "These are my ex wife's, use these until we can go get your stuff." Ex wife?
"You were married?" I asked him innocently. He glared at me. "Yes I was. Now go." I flinched and hurried out of the room and down the hallway to mine.


Later that night I woke up to strange sounds coming from downstairs. I tried to go back to sleep but the sound only continued. Finally I got out of bed and stomped down the stairs and into the main room. I spun around trying to figure out where the sound originated from. I stopped in front of the garage. I reached for the doorknob but something was stopping me. I have a feeling I shouldn't go in here...screw it I wanna sleep in peace. I slowly turned the knob and creaked open the door. I peered inside to see William leaning over a desk with tons of unorganized papers and bottles scattered over the floor. He was muttering something to himself in an angry tone. He must've heard the door creak because he whipped his head around. Oh god is he drunk?
"Y/N I told you not to go in here!" He growled as he stomped over to me. "I-I forgot!" I squeaked as he pinned me against the wall with a smile on his face. I turned my head to the side and started trembling. Too close. Ugh his breath is full of alcohol. "Remember what I said about me getting angry?" He hissed. Pure terror spread across my face. I flung my arms around trying to get out of his grasp but he grabbed my arms and held them against the wall with his hands. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "You've interrupted my work Y/N." I felt tears forming. I tried to keep them in but William pulled a knife out of his pocket and held it to my neck. "P-please I-I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Just don't-" He pressed the knife down farther. "Shut up. Begging won't do anything. If you haven't already noticed, I can't control my anger."

My whole body was tense as he stood towering over me, the knife still pressed against my neck. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks while I trembled. "P-Please William I-I'm sorry...I w-won't do it again." My voice went lower after each word. After a few seconds William let go of my wrists and stumbled back, his head facing the floor.

"Get out."
He pointed to the door. His hand seemed to be shaking. The knife fell to the floor with a clatter. I paused before bolting out of the garage while tears streamed down my face.

I was beginning to think he wasn't all that bad, but I guess I was wrong.

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