Chapter 7

555 19 36

Im sorry Thoma's too much fun to bully lmaoo


This was by far the stupidest thing Ayaka has ever participated to be a part of. But if it's for Yoimiya, surprisingly enough Ayaka's willing to stick around.

Candles had been lit across the room to set the mood or at least that's what Gorou and Yoimiya had said. Along with a single biscuit on the floor serving as an offering of some sorts.

About five minutes before now Thoma had tried to prank them by moving the planchette to make them think it was some sort of ghost but luckily Ayaka managed to catch him in the act. She always does.

Still, it was strange. Thoma was acting awfully confident for someone who was about to piss himself out of fear not too long ago.

"Alright, there's no going back now okay? And no trying to trick anybody either." Kokomi states, directing that last part specifically to Thoma who nods while laughing a bit. "Keeping your finger on it at all times is a must."

"Yeah, yeah you got it. I'll behave myself." He reassures them all, holding his hand to his heart.

Kokomi had gone over the general rules she knew for playing these kinds of games to the others hoping that they'd at least pay some mind to them.

She still didn't believe that their school, let alone this old dusty storage room was haunted but if they're going to something like this you may as well do it properly, right?

But honestly knowing these bunch they most likely won't listen to any.

The rules were pretty reasonable like; No asking how they died, never play alone and always make sure to say goodbye.
There were some other rules of course, but since nobody had the physical copy on them this would have to do.

Slowly but surely the six of them all place their fingers on the planchette as they all wonder who should ask the first question and what should it be.

Since nobody else is going to take the initiative Kazuha supposes he will. So he takes in a light breath and speaks.
"If there are any spirits here, good or bad, make yourself known."

The flames flickering between them making the conditions even more eery and Ayaka could've sworn she heard something or someone moving in the room.
Deep breaths Ayaka, deep breaths.

Yoimiya gives her the 'You've got this!' Look and Ayaka can only hope she'll survive the night.

"Kazuha!" Gorou says out the poets' name worriedly. Even though he's technically the reason this all started Gorou's starting to get slightly on edge too.
It's not his fault Teppei's friend lied saying it was a board game.

"When you say Good or bad you're basically asking for it to be an evil one."

Kazuha merely shakes his head as he smiles at his friend, explaining his reasoning for summoning a  possibly evil spirit.
"I just think we should be inclusive. If it's a ghost they're already dead. No need to be discriminatory."

Whether a ghost is or isn't there they don't get much of a sign.
Well, no signs other than the windows beginning to creak slightly but that was something that always happened.

Nobody asks nor says anything else after that until Thoma decides to take his shot. His downright negligence for his own life making him even more fitting of the "sacrifice" role.

"Alright then ghost, will you be telling us you're name?" The blonde asks, ignoring the fact that he was going against one of the first rules mentioned.

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