Chapter 2

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"C'mon sleepyhead it's morning! You've gotta wake up! WAKE UP! The sun is out, the birds are chirping, the-"

Ayaka shouldn't have spoken too soon. She most definitely was not going to like it here. She tries to use her pillow to cover her ears but it proves to be ineffective since she can still hear Yoimiya talking.

Yoimiya realised that she's awake and clears her throat.
"Good morning my wonderful new roommate! Did you sleep well? " Yoimiya cheers in a sing-song voice.

"Yoimiya what on earth are you doing" Ayaka hisses.

"I decided to recite my special morning poem for you!"
Ayaka prays that she never has to hear that godforsaken poem, song- whatever it was, ever again in her life.
'Well not any more thanks to your sudden interruption' Ayaka thinks but once again she wouldn't say it out loud.
"I slept fine. Thank you for asking"
Ayaka rubs her eyes with certain tiredness to them and yawns. How can someone be so cheerful at literally six in the morning?!

Upon hearing this Yoimiya smiles happily and lets Ayaka know that she'll be heading into the shower first. She nods and soon Yoimiya leaves to get ready.
Ayaka looks over to the uniform on her bed and sighs. She was previously homeschooled so it might take her a while to get used to wearing one of those so often.

As the cryo user sits up, the tips of her feet touching the pile of clothes Yoimiya left on the floor as she does so. She begins to wonder how Thoma was doing. They hadn't gotten to text him last night since she fell asleep so hopefully, he wasn't doing too bad.

Her stay at this school had only been about 8 hours so far and since most of it was spent sleeping she couldn't determine whether or not anyone was trustworthy yet.
It's not like she was purposely trying to be difficult. Just needed to place her trust in the right people is all.

From what Yoimiya had told her there were currently five students altogether part of this summer program thing. Herself, Yoimiya, Thoma and then two twins who she, unfortunately, didn't know the names of.

To be honest, they could hardly call it a program it was more of a trial and if you enjoy it you're able to continue your studies at the school.

That wasn't Ayaka's plan though. She was just going to find out what happened to her brother and leave as soon as she did. Nothing else

The bathroom door opens and Yoimiya steps out with an annoyed look as she tugs at the end of her uniform's skirt.

"These things are so uncomfortable but I guess it'll have to do. Anyways the showers are empty now!" She announces. "Once you're finished the two of us can get breakfast together."

Ayaka nods and takes her clothes into the bathroom to get ready but the moment she steps in her face drops. That girl did not just leave all the cabinets and hair products left open like that-
The blue-haired teen makes a mental note that her roommates' disorganisation was a topic they'd have to touch upon later.

After they're both dressed and ready they converse for a while before Ayaka opens the door so they can head to breakfast or at least that was the original plan.
"Before we go though," Yoimiya suggests while holding open the door. She always looks ready for something new "There's a place I wanna check out. Wanna come with?"

Ayaka contemplates it for a moment before deciding to agree. I mean all Yoimiya wants to do is show her something, what's the harm in that? Still, for anything that breaks rules, she was always slightly hesitant.

"I dont know..."

"C'mon it's super interesting, I promise! I could use your help as well in case I set something off and they send arrows to execute me or something."
This girls imagination was way too vivid.

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