Chapter 4

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In the end, they ended up being late; but since it was their first official day they let it slide. While Kazuha and Yoimiya both had different schedules than Ayaka's and were at business, her and Thomas's were pretty similar so they had first class together.

It wasn't exactly anything interesting just home economics theory with Ms Aoi. The rest of the day pretty much continued the same way with most of their classes running smoothly.

Occasionally people would recognise her from the Kamisato family's well-known business which would lead to a few awkward social encounters.
Other than that though things were going pretty well.

And now they were finally wrapped up with the day which means vision training begins shortly. Ayaka was tying her shoelaces on one of the benches, Thoma and Yoimiya sitting beside her as they waited for more people to come in.

Since this was after-school hours and not in the main building either they were permitted to wear their outfits, or their gym clothes depending on what they preferred.

"So~ What do you guys think of your first day? Was it nice?" Yoimiya asks them, her legs swinging merrily waiting for their responses.

"It was pretty decent. But everything here seems super strict I dont think I'll survive more than a week here.." Thoma complains. It was true everything here was so orderly and perfect it sort of made him feel out of place.

Maybe a little too perfect.

Yoimiya nods in agreement. "I know right! That's why it was super surprising they'd accept someone like me here. Since I'm like anything but perfect" She giggles slightly at the last part.

Once she finishes her laces Ayaka sits up and answers Yoimiya's earlier asked question.
"I...think it's alright here. Everyone's been very kind to us both. Unfortunately Mr 'I dont need any directions' here got us lost at least 8 times already."

"Hey!" Thoma puts his hands on his hips, a small pout on his face. "Ayaka! You said we wouldn't mention it afterwards!" He whines.

The girl only covers her mouth with her hand as she tries to muffle her laugh. Yoimiya on the other hand isn't even trying to hide the fact she's laughing at Thoma. Doubling over herself, inches away from hitting the floor.

"Sorry I must've forgotten."

More students start to enter and amongst some of the students they can spot their friends as well.
"Kokomi!" Gorou says excitedly. His tail swinging happily from just seeing her.

Kokomi hums, gesturing for him to continue what he was saying. "Yes, Gorou?"

"EhEm" He clears his throat and holds up his fingers getting ready to list all of his achievements from the day.
"So, during lunch, I finished up all the paperwork we had left from the student council. Then yesterday I sent all the canteen food suggestions to the cooking department as well! Oh, and I also did my French homework that was due 7 weeks ago."

The pink-haired teen giggles as she pats his shoulder. She tries to ignore that last part. How the fuck does it take someone seven weeks to write the numbers 1-50 in French?? 

"You really outdid yourself this time, didn't you? But Thankyou Gorou, I appreciate it."

A wide smile plasters across his face from the compliment and he nods. "No problem at all!"
Ayaka thinks it sweet how enthusiastic he got whenever he sees her. And while she didn't know much about the pair you could tell how much he admired and looked up to her.

On the other side of the gym, Kazuha was sharpening his sword, probably preparing it for combat. There was also some bowl-cut haired guy beside him. She couldn't hear what he was saying but judging by his expressions alone you could tell he was pissed about being here.

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