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Aurora was bent forward on the table with her eyes closed

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Aurora was bent forward on the table with her eyes closed. She was in a dreamy, peaceful state and was lulled to sleep by the steadiness of the train. She felt pinching at her waist and cringed in discomfort. She groaned and swatted the hand away but it returned.

"Weston! You're costing me my time with Stiles Stilinski, fuck off," she punched him in the ribs and turned away from him to face the window.

Weston planted his hand on her thigh and squeezed. "Open your eyes, Sleeping Beauty. Stiles isn't real, it's time to leave dreamland and join me in the real world."

Aurora flipped her hair over her shoulder, "You don't get to tell me he isn't real when you wake me up at six in the morning to catch a train."

"We've arrived at our destination, you've had a two hour nap. Get up."

Weston still hadn't mentioned what they were doing in Florence. She frowned and blindly followed him off of the train. It was fairly quiet in the streets.

She wore dark brown, wide-legged pants with black heeled boots. Her cream turtle neck kept her warm accompanied by her long, dark, brown coat.

"This better be good... whatever it is," she mumbled behind him.

"You complain too much," he took her hand in his and she felt his cold rings on her skin.

She walked faster to keep up with him instead of being dragged behind. "Would you rather I put my mouth to better use?" She batted her eyes innocently.

They took a corner and stopped. "I've had better," Weston shrugged.

Aurora laughed and folded her arms. "It's okay Weston. You don't need to lie. I know I'm better than good. Wouldn't surprise me if I was the best you've had. After all, I've had a lot of practice."

Weston blinked, "Get inside before I take you down an alley and teach you a lesson."

Her eyes glowed, "Oh, yes please sir."

There weren't really any people on the street so Weston reached an arm around her chest and his other hand cupped her over her pants. Aurora's coat covered his hand and her back was flat against his chest.

She felt Weston's fingers move and she attempted to get away but he tightened his hold.

"You asked for this, Princess. Or did you want it in private?" He pressed her against his growing erection.

Aurora reached down to grab his hand but that didn't stop his fingers and her eyes creased.

"Are you going to behave? Or would you like me to teach you a lesson out in the open where everyone can watch?"

"I'll behave. I promise," she said breathlessly.

Weston released her. "Good. Now get inside," he lifted an arm to show her the way. He paid for both of their tickets and they made their way inside.

"Oh my god." Aurora was stunned.

Weston had brought her to the Accademia Gallery in Florence.

"You like?" Weston asked with hope. This was something he liked to do by himself at Christmastime and he wanted her to like it too.

Her eyes were like sources as her brain tried to process everything she was seeing. Paintings were mounted on the walls, sculptures and statues made from marble were plotted about the room. There were rooms upon rooms exactly like the one they were standing in.

"I love it," she adored and Weston felt his body relax.

They walked around aimlessly and Weston provided her with some facts about the paintings and statues.

"We didn't even need to be here this early!" She whispered. "It's open until six."

"We did need to be here this early because it's quiet. It gets busy from eleven."

They sat down on a bench in the middle of the room that faced a painting the size of the whole wall. "So, why'd you like coming here before Christmas?" Aurora asked.

Weston took her hand in his and placed them in his lap. His fingers traced her knuckles. "It's quiet. I could sit here for hours and stare at the paintings. I can imagine that they're movies. That's how good these paintings are! Even though they've captured a moment in time, their brushstrokes create such motion as if it's alive. It's fantastic."

Aurora looked at his side profile and a smile slowly graced her face. Weston caught sight of her in the corner of his eye, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason," she shuffled closer and rested her head on his shoulder. Her heart warmed that he was able to speak with so much passion behind his words. It was clear to see how much Weston loved art.

"Right," he stood up. "Let's go to the best room."

"The best room?"

"You haven't seen anything yet."

Aurora joined him, "Lead the way, Mr Hayes."

"Don't call me that."

"Why?" She giggled.

"You call my dad that," he shivered.

"Sorry," she held her hands up. "I'll make sure to keep you and daddy Hayes separate."

Weston scoffed, "You really want a punishment, don't you?"

"Only if you're giving it," Aurora smirked.

"It's through here," Weston walked through the doorway and she followed after him.

At the end of the room was a seventeen-foot marble statue. Aurora stopped walking and her mouth dropped. She stood in awe of the masterpiece in front of her.

"This is David," she whispered.

"I know. Me and David go way back," Weston joked.

Her wide eyes turned to Weston. "This is fucking David by Michaelangelo."

Weston grabbed her shoulders and nudged her forward toward the statue. "I can introduce you both, if you want. David, Aurora. Aurora, David."

She looked up at the statue that was carved to perfection. "He's perfect. Oh my god, look at his hands." It was so detailed that the veins were visible.

"Alright, try not to have an orgasm."

Aurora lightly slapped his arm, "If I do, I can't help it. This was once a block of solid marble. Do you have any idea how skilled you need to be to transform marble? You can't really make a mistake, it just gets smaller and smaller. Then you have to start again with a new block of marble."

Weston stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Do you want to make something from marble?"

She scoffed, "In my dreams... not something as big as this. I couldn't, I don't have the attention span of three years to focus on one piece. Possibly something smaller, a lot smaller."

Aurora pulled away slightly to look behind her at Weston's pants.

"I thought you were supposed to be a good girl. Lying is not good, Aurora," he whispered into her ear.

"Oops. Let's go get something to eat," she decided.

"Are you on the menu?"

She shook her head, "Not for this meal."

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