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They were in Milan

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They were in Milan. They being Aurora and Mrs Hayes.

Like Weston had said, Mrs Hayes did indeed invite Aurora to watch the opera with them and that meant that a day out dress shopping was due.

"How are you finding school?" She asked.

Aurora faltered as she skimmed through the dresses. She couldn't remember the last time her mum asked her how her day went - if she ever did.

"It's certainly... different to what I'm used to," she didn't want to offend her husband.

Mrs Hayes held a dress up to her body and put it back on the railing. "Dear, it's only me here. You don't have to lie."

Aurora's eyes went wide.

"I might be married to the headmaster but we were certainly no saints in our younger years." She fluttered her hand through the dresses and then pointed to Aurora, "You don't tell anyone I said that."

"My lips are sealed," Aurora smirked.

"I assume you've made friends? I know it's hard coming to a school in another country."

"It was easier than I expected. I had a very warm welcome. Your son was actually one of the first people I met," she gulped and thought back to their first encounter.

"I hope he was polite to you. If not, I'll be having words with him. Weston's a sweet boy but his mischievous side always gets him in trouble," she laughed.

"Don't worry, Mrs Hayes. He treated me very well when we first met. Quite the gentleman," she smiled sweetly.

This was their third shop and Aurora still hadn't found a dress. She felt bad, dragging Mrs Hayes along but she insisted that they weren't going back until she had found a dress.

Aurora was about to choose a dress just for the sake of choosing a dress when she stumbled across a red, off the shoulder dress, with a v shape cut into the chest to showcase a little cleavage. She pulled it out and ran her eyes down the dress, a little slit ran down the side.

"Wow," Mrs Hayes gushed behind her. "She'd like to try this on," she told the assistant who took the dress from Aurora and guided them to the dressing room.

Aurora changed into the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. The dress complimented her skin tone and it fit her like a glove.

"Come on out, darling! I want to see," she heard Mrs Hayes call from the other side of the curtain.

She pulled it back and revealed herself. Mrs Hayes was seated on a plush seat but immediately stood up when Aurora came out. She circled her and Aurora felt her eyes on the dress, on her.

When she came face to face with her, Mrs Hayes spoke, "You look wonderful, darling. Do you like the dress?"

Aurora pressed her hands down her hips. "Yeah, I do."

Mrs Hayes clapped her hands together. "Fantastic! We'll take it," she beamed. "You'll also need some shoes and gloves."

"Erm, black heels and black gloves."

"Nice and simple. What shoe size?"

"I'm a six, in UK measurements."

"I'll get you some heels and gloves. Just bring your dress to the counter when you're ready," the assistant smiled and left them alone.

Before Aurora went back into the dressing room, Mrs Hayes said, "I think my son likes you."

"What makes you say that?" Aurora felt her mouth go dry. Did he like her?

"I know my son. He would be a fool not to like you."


Aurora was laid on her bed. She'd had a wonderful time shopping and eating with Mrs Hayes.

She'd never done that with her mum. Never.

Her dad was out of the picture. She didn't have a family. She was always alone.

"Here you are in your natural habitat," He interrupted her silence.

"I didn't know David Attenborough was in the room."

He laughed, "Fun day?"

She lifted her head and saw that he was dressed in a black t-shirt and grey joggers. "It was one of the best days I've had in a while... she showed me your baby pictures."

Weston came into her room and bounced down on the bed next to her. "It's a sin to lie."

She breathed in his fresh pine fragrance. "Guess I'm a bad girl," she shrugged her shoulders. "But it's not a lie that I had a good time. Your mum's great."

"I think she liked you too. You can go out with her again, save me from accompanying her on her five hour shopping trips."

"If she'll have me, I'd like that."

Weston nudged her leg with his. "What? You and your mum don't go on trips?"

Aurora sighed, her chest deflated. "Honestly, I think my mum wanted to get rid of me as soon as I was born. Mission accomplished."

"You kidding?"

Aurora shook her head, "I just gave her a reason to disown me. I didn't end up here by being a good girl."

"You're a good girl for me," Weston whispered and she shivered.

"You take care of me," Aurora blushed. "Where's your dad?"

Weston pushed her onto her side and he cuddled her from behind. "Decided he'd had enough of me and took my mum out for dinner," his breath fanned her neck.

He kissed behind her ear, "How do you feel about taking a train to Florence tomorrow?"

"Where are we going?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out," she could feel the smirk in his tone.

Aurora turned her head and pouted, "I wanna know!" Her eyes were closed, her body was tired. Aurora thought she knew how to shop but she hadn't met Mrs Hayes.

"Patience is a virtue, sweetheart. I think you'll like it."

"So we're going to a place that makes you happy?" She deduced.

"You're not just a pretty face, are you?"

"I should hope not," she said in an offended tone. "I got a pretty body too, right?" Aurora yawned.

"How should I know? I've not seen it," Weston's hand travelled over her shirt, down the valley of her breasts, down her stomach to its hem. He started to bring her shirt up but her hand stopped him.

"Someone once told me that patience is a virtue." She murmured.

Weston huffed. "That someone sounds like a fool."

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