Chapter 26 - Winter

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When the first snowfall came, there was still no new news regarding the Princess. Rumours spread like wildfire across the palace. Some thought Princess Yunmei was being held as a prisoner or had already been killed. Others believed she had been taken to be married to the old Qing Emperor. 

The latter seemed more plausible to Ruyi. Princess Yunmei was renowned all over the Song Empire for her angelic beauty, which she had inherited from her late mother. The Emperor's only sister, she was beloved in the palace for her kindness, as well as her quick wit and talent for the guzhen. Even though Ruyi had never met her, she had seen her walking through the palace grounds, always bright and lovely to anyone who came across her. 

"Darling, you'll catch a cold, come back inside," Delun said, placing a fur coat over Ruyi's shoulders. Ruyi had been sitting in the garden outside their quarters, wanting to take in the beauty of the palace. Like a clean blanket, the snow covered the earth and trees until all she could see was powdery white, until she could almost forget all the blood that she had seen.

"Come sit with me," she said, grasping his hand and tugging him down gently. 

He humoured her, sitting close to her and tucking her hands in his to keep them warm. He watched her for a moment, taking in her flushed cheeks and ebony hair. Against the stark white background, she was more beautiful than ever. 

"What do you think is going to happen?" Ruyi asked, breathing out and watching the puff of white smoke evaporate into the air. 

"The Emperor needs to make a decision, whether to trust his sister or to risk another battle." 

"You still won't tell me what was in that note?" Ruyi asked, admiring Delun's sharp cheekbones, the elegant tilt of his sharp eyes. Always watching, always focused. 

Delun's lips curled up in a smile. "Maybe one day."

Ruyi nudged her shoulder against his, smiling widely. "We're going to be married soon. I'll be your wife. Then you'll be obligated to tell me everything." 

Delun let out a small laugh, and she cherished it in its rarity. 

"That's a deal. But you have to marry me first," he said, turning to face her with a smile before catching her lips. 

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