9: Each Breath You Take

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Five days later, June 1st, 9:01am, the hotel:

"Papa, I'm four today!"

"I know, darling. You're getting to be such a big girl now!"

Martin struggled to comprehend how four years since the day he gave birth to Esme, his youngest and last child, had passed, seemingly in an instant. He could still vividly remember the slight bittersweetness he felt throughout his pregnancy with her, though he and Alan knew that two children were all they wished to have. Witnessing his children grow up was both a liberating and daunting feeling and he wanted to make every moment with them worthwhile. He stood daydreaming whilst Esme danced around the room in her dress.

"How old is Daddy today, Papa?" She asked, sitting herself down on her parents' bed.

"I'm not sure Daddy would want me to tell you that." Her father tickled her before beginning to finish fixing her hair.

In the bathroom, Alan looked at his reflection in the mirror and brushed his teeth. Suddenly, he felt a dull yet sharp pain in his abdomen. Dropping his toothbrush, he let out a grunt and wrapped one arm around himself, waiting for it to subside. It wasn't enough to truly get to him, but it did take him by surprise.

"That's annoying." He muttered to himself, straightening his torso again when the pain lessened.

He continued getting ready and soon left the bathroom to see his family.

"I see the birthday girl's all ready." His daughter came running over to him to be picked up.

When he did so, he felt as though his abdominal muscles had been stabbed, forcing a pained sound out of him.

"Careful, Mae." Martin quickly walked over to to his husband and daughter, filled with concern. "Are you alright, love?"

"I feel a bit sore around here." Alan didn't know what else to respond with, showing Martin where he felt the pain the most. "Probably just fatigue. Nothing to worry about."

"Not on your birthday," His husband seemed almost shameful. "Well, we are parents, bound to get fatigued from time to time. Can I get you a painkiller or anything before we go?"

"You don't need to, love. I'm alright. Anyways, where's Poppi?"

"In the lobby with Dave. They're getting something for the pair of you."


"What is it, Papa?!" Esme bounced herself within Alan's arms.

"You'll find out later." He winked at both of them. "But for now we really ought to be getting to the beach. I reckon there'll be some traffic en route."

"Good idea." His husband chuckled, placing Esme back down. "I'm guessing I'm driving?"

"Actually, Fletch offered to be at the wheel since it's your birthday. But if you still wanted to-"

"No, no! I don't have a problem with that."

Smirking at each other, they began gathering their necessities to leave.

Two hours later, 11:29am, the car:

The sunshine peeked through the tinted windows and formed shadows across the road. With every blunt turn and movement the car made, the pain Alan felt took hold of him time after time. He squirmed in his seat and adjusted his seatbelt as an attempt to distract his mind from what was happening to him. He knew he couldn't allow it to affect he and his daughter's day.

"Are we nearly there?" Poppi asked, flustered by impatience.

"Very nearly, Pops. If you look closely, you can see the sea from here!" Martin replied, pointing above the rear view mirror.

Love Is A Battlefield (Alan Wilder x Martin Gore)Where stories live. Discover now