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Little: Jisung

Caregiver: Stray Kids

Requested by: @lila_skz

This is the first real angsty-angsty request I've got!


Jisung was doing his own thing, y'know, vibing in the studio, laughing at the edits STAY's make of his group and generally having a great time.  He was messing around with the drafts he had, re-mixing previous songs and making them merge together. Jisung was in the middle of mixing Red Lights and Sunshine together when a unexpected phone call sounded. 

Picking up the phone, Jisung glanced at the screen and saw that one of his friends were calling him. Given that he rarely has time to chat with his friends, Jisung answered the call while absent-mindedly saving the draft. His focus was mainly on the phone suddenly when the bad news hit him.


Jisung fell off his chair in shock. How could STAYs do this to him? His friend had just broke the news that STAY's had begin to ship Minho and Felix more than Minho and Jisung. UNACCEPTABLE! Jisung took off out of the studio, abandoning everything in his wake. Fuck work, he has to take a picture of him and Minho and post it on Weibo and Instagram immediately.

"It's an emergency! Hwi, I'll call you later, ok?"

Jisung called the driver and sped towards the dorm.


Minho looked up, startled. He was cuddling with Felix when Jisung suddenly slammed the dorm door open. Jisung grabbed his arm and quickly set up his camera on his phone. "Don't ask, ok hyung? It's an emergency." Minho snorted. "What type of emergency requires us to take a picture of us together?" Jisung batted the question aside and grinned into the camera, tilting it so only Minho and him were visible.

"자, 하나, 둘, 셋, cheese!"

Minho smiled for the photo and rolled his eyes once it was over. "It is for Minsung content? I told you I don't care about that stuff." Jisung shook his head, busy with uploading the photo on the two platforms. "You might not, but I do! You'd be surprised on the amount of Minsung fanfics STAYs write about us two! They are actually pretty good too!" Minho buried his head into his hands. Trust Han to read fanfics about the two of them.

Jisung flashed a smile and excused himself so he could go to his room. "Gonna go and call a friend back! Tata, Hyung!" Jisung flopped onto his bed, scrolling through his phone and playing some games to pass the time before he went to go eat lunch. Around fifteen minutes pass by and then Jisung began to hear heavy footsteps outside his bedroom. Angered screaming and thumping echoed through the dorm.

Jisung jumped when Chan slammed the door open. His hyung was pissed, face red and fists trembling. And of course, in the nude. 

"Jisung, did you go to the studio today?" Chan breathed hard out of his nose as he tried to steady his breathing. Jisung slowly nodded his head. "And did you do something with the songs we produced?" Jisung nodded again, wanting to add that he copied the songs into a different folder before messing around with them, but choosing not to, seeing that Chan seemed like he would go bang any minute.


Jisung flinched when he witnessed Chan slammed his fist into the wall. The members behind the leader looked at Jisung with varying emotions. Fear, annoyance, anger and irritation. What did he do wrong? 

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