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Yeji knocks five times.

Ryujin. She reminds herself about the patient's name and deeply sighs before courageously twisting the door knob.

Yeji steps inside the small room, and her feline eyes immediately landed on a woman wearing an oversized white hospital gown, who is sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at the small window blankly. The girl has a petite body, and looks so fragile.

Yeji closes the door carefully and walks towards the small table near the bed of the patient. Since Yeji was already standing near the girl, she could clearly observe her face. Ryujin has a shoulder-length black hair, attractive eyes, a pointed nose, and a.. full, crimson lips.

She's pretty. Yeji smiles softly.

Yeji puts down the tray of food on the table and take a step back to stand in the middle of the room, not leaving her gaze on this black-haired girl.

"Hi.." As Yeji clasps her hands, she greets quietly, not wanting to scare the girl which made the latter to whip her head on the right side, looking on the ground.

Perhaps, Ryujin notices the new person who entered the room by hearing Yeji's unfamiliar voice.

"I'm Yeji. I'm going to look after you for the time being." She introduces herself in the most polite manner as possible. "It's time for lunch. Your food is on the table."

Ryujin doesn't have any reaction and looks again at the window. The walking stick that's leaning against the wall catches Yeji's attention, making her to remember that this girl is blind.

So Yeji walks towards the table, taking the bowl and the spoon. With one hand, she grabs the chair and sets it down in front of Ryujin.

"I'm going to feed you, Ryujin-ah.." Yeji informs softly as she sits on the chair. And as usual, Ryujin didn't utter any words.

She's blind, but not deaf, right? Yeji gulps and starts to scoop the classic Korean Bibimbap.

"Say Ah.." Yeji brings the spoon closer to Ryujin's lips, placing her free hand under the spoon to catch some possible small chunks of food and Yeji couldn't help but smile when Ryujin opens her mouth to take the food.

As Ryujin chews the food at a slow pace, Yeji notices the small cut in Ryujin's eyebrow. It looks like a scar. She then stares at Ryujin's eyes.

Is that a cornea? Yeji doesn't sure since she wasn't listening to her Science teacher before. But, if that is really a cornea, it looks very damaged.

"Does it taste good?" Yeji asks just to fill the silence around the room, but Ryujin doesn't give any reaction again.

Ryujin gulps the food, making Yeji to scoop another again. Yeji repeats her action until Ryujin finishes the bowl of Bibimbap, not leaving any piece of the food.

Maybe, Ryujin likes the meal a lot.

Since Yeji haven't seen any tissue paper, she takes out her handkerchief from her pocket.

"I'm going to wipe your lips, Ryujin-ah.." Yeji informs again, waiting for any violent reaction from Ryujin but the latter is just giving her a silent treatment.

Yeji places her forefinger under Ryujin's chin and moves her face closer to the black-haired girl. Ryujin didn't stop her, indicating that she's okay with it, so Yeji concentrates her attention on Ryujin's lips

Yeji could feel Ryujin's hot breath brushing against her face while wiping Ryujin's plump lips.

"There," Yeji breaths out as she pulls away from Ryujin. The silver-haired girl stands up to grab the glass of water.

"Here is the water, Ryujin-ah.." Yeji brings the glass closer to Ryujin's lips, placing her handkerchief under the glass to catch the extra droplets. Ryujin lifts her hands to hold the glass and gulps the water straightly.

Yeji places down the glass and for the second, she wipes Ryujin's lips again.

"Are you full?" Yeji asks while placing back the glass and bowl on the tray.

Instead of saying a word, Ryujin unexpectedly burps, causing her to cover her mouth which made Yeji to chuckle softly.

Perhaps, Ryujin is already full, and enjoys the food so much.

"I'm just going to return this in the kitchen, Ryujin-ah. I'll be back." Yeji notifies, checking on Ryujin, who is still sitting on the edge of the bed while her eyes are fixed on the window.

Yeji smiles softly and walks towards the door, but before she could twist the doorknob,

"Thank you." Ryujin says in a hoarse voice.

Yeji turns around to look at the girl who just spoke. Yeji's lips curved up after hearing Ryujin's voice for the first time.

"You're welcome, Ryujin-ah."

Yeji responds before leaving Ryujin's room and walks straight towards the kitchen where she met Sana again.

"How was Ryujin?" The doctor asks while choosing a food for her lunch.

Yeji gives the tray to the crew and Sana notices the empty bowl of Bibimbap.

"Wow, she emptied the bowl?" Sana asks again, shocked.

Yeji grabs a tray for herself and moves her gaze on the food display, "She seemed to like Bibimbap a lot. I fed her and she said thank you to me and she-"

"Wait, you fed her? And she talked?" Sana couldn't believe what Yeji had just shared.

Yeji knitted her brows in confusion, "Yes. Why?"

"You were not really listening to me earlier, were you?"

Yeji let out a nervous giggle and scratches the back of her neck, "Hehe."

Sana shakes her head and sighs, "Ryujin hasn't spoken to anyone in years and hates being fed by others. It's good to know that she finally talked. If she continues being like that, she can be.. free."

Earlier, Yeji's mission was to find a way to sneak out from this asylum, but hearing those facts about Ryujin, she quickly changed her mind. Her mission now is to gain Ryujin's trust and help the fragile girl to get better so she can leave the four walls of that room.

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