8: Y/nbbo is a thing now?

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It's 4:50 in the morning and you are in your baggy clothes. You get up and knock on Tubbo's door. You hear nothing so you open the door and crept in. Y/n sees Tubbo lying on his bed still sleeping. She walks over to him and sits on his bed. You lay next to him feeling his warm breath on your neck. Y/n turns to face him.

Y/n's POV:

I turn to face Tubbo and Goddammit he's so cute. I could feel him breathing on my face and I start to smile. I start to get tired as I only slept for 3 hours because I could hear Tommy's yelling from the other guest room. I fall fast asleep a minute later.

Tubbo's POV:

I could feel someone's breath on my cheeks. It was Y/n. I start to go red as I realize we're both sleeping in the same bed. I honestly didn't mind though. I smiled as I looked at her face. She's really kind and very pretty. I get a notification from TikTok and Twitter from all my fans freaking out by this one clip and photo. It was a photo of me and Y/n at the park with her head leaning on my shoulder and me putting my jacket on her to warm her up.

I go bright red. I slowly calm down and put my phone down. I lifted Y/n's head up and put my arm underneath. She slowly turns over and puts her head on my chest. I literally start fanboying. I kissed her on the forehead and went back to sleep.

No one's POV:

Tubbo forgot to close his blinds last night. Suddenly a fan across the street saw them both on the bed next to each other. The fan decided to make a video and turn the camera towards Y/n and Tubbo. The fan posted it on all of their socials, and it went viral. It was 11 am and Y/n eyes started opening. She wakes up and realized she was still in Tubbo's bed. You get up and you also realize that you were laying right on Tubbo. "MORNING SLEEPING BEAUTY!" Tubbo exclaimed. "OH MY GOD. I AM SO SORRY, TUBBO!" Y/n squeals. "It's okay." He said blushing. It literally looked like you and Tubbo had made out last night. Tommy walks in. "TUBBO!" Tommy yelled. "I GOT YOU A COKE-" He paused and drops both cokes and his eyes widened with his mouth opened. "I SWEAR TOMMY- IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE-" You and Tubbo shouted embarrassed. He picked you up from the bed and carried you out to his guest room he was going to own for the next 3 weeks. Tommy drops you on the bed and starts yelling at you. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN TUBBO'S ROOM?" Tommy asked. "I SWEAR YOU GUYS WERE MAKING OUT." "N-" "YOU CAN'T BE MAKING OUT WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS! IT'S JUST WEIRD AND WRONG!" "No, we weren't making out Tommy!" You yell. Tommy gasps. "So... you guys were- HAVING S*X?! THAT'S JUST NASTY, Y/N! YOU GUYS ARE BOTH MINORS! THAT'S GROSS!! I will literally forever HATE YOU IF YOU DATE OR LIKE ANY OF MY FRIENDS!" He starts shouting. He suddenly sees you are turning bright red. "TOM. STOP! WHAT IF A FAN IS OUTSIDE RECORDING THIS?" You both turn to the opened window, and you were right. They run off getting away with it. "SEE, TOM?" Y/n yells. Y/n only calls Tommy 'Tom' when she's really mad at him. Tommy's eyes start going red and it looks like he was about to cry, cause he knows that you only call him 'Tom' when you are furious at him and you hate him. "You're the worst. If you're not gonna let me like or date anyone or any of your friends then, I hate you, Tommy." You walk out slamming the door.

Tommy's POV:

Shit. I've really fucked up. I started tearing up. "Y/n hates me?" I ask myself in a croaky voice. I don't want Y/n to hate me. As a brother, sure, but she seemed pretty serious. 'Hate is a strong word. I throw myself on my bed (The guest bed) and start regretting what I said to her. I start streaming on Tubbo's PC on my account. I put on a fake smile like nothing as happened and go into Tommyinnit's personality and life.

"WHAT'S UP, BOYS, AND WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM! Ladies and Gentlemen, mostly ladies but, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Today, we are going to play 'Laugh you loose with Tubbo!" Tubbo waved at the webcam


Hello Tommy!

Yooo!! Tommyyyyy!



Morning <3

Y/n's boyfriend







Tommy is a pogchamp

Where's ur sis?

Where's Y/n? Tommy, where is ur sister?


Where's Sisterinnit?

The chat asked where Y/n was and if Tubbo and Y/n were dating. [$5 Donation] "Where is Y/n?" There were so many people donating to Tommy asking where she was. Tommy lied and kept changing the lie, so people could tell he was lying. [ $70 Donation] "Where the fuck is your sister? She's usually with you in your streams." Tommy sighed. "We got into a fucking fight. Happy now, Chat?"



U should apologize

Apologize, Tommy

Whatever happened, u should

apologize even if you didn't start it


U should apologize

Apologize, Tommy


U should apologize

Apologize, Tommy





The chat just spammed 'apologize'. "Fine." Tommy stuttered. "Y/N!" He yelled. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW, TOM?!" You yell. "CHAT WANTS YOU!" You go upstairs and he apologizes on stream even though that's not Tommyinnit. Y/n's eyes sparkled with joy. "THANK YOU SO MUCH TOMMY!" You say in merry. You walk up to him and squeeze him. He hugs you back smiling. Your face was snuggled in the shoulder part of the T-shirt. You both hug for about 30 seconds max and let go after. Chat was spamming crazy, and you start giggling. "Wanna stream with us?" Tommy asked. "Of course!" You say in a bright tone. "I hate these types of cringy siblings." Tubbo laughed jokingly. "OKAY CHAT! YOU GUYS KNOW HOW THIS WORKS! You have to pay for your video to come up. 50 pence equal a second." You all have about one life left mostly because of Tubbo laughing and doing weird stuff so he saves him from laughing.

It was all going well until someone brought up a video called 'Y/n and Tubbo's cutest moments.' The video played and Tommy didn't even bother taking down the video. You and Tubbo are both bright red, avoiding eye contact with each other. Chat found that funny and so did Tommy, so the fans decided to put more videos up of them flirting with each other. There was this one Y/nbbo edit that caught Tommy and made him burst out laughing. They used up all their lives, so they had to end the stream. Tommy was doing the outro while Tubbo and Y/n were flirting with each other again. She had her head leaning Tubbo's shoulder. Y/n looked out the window and saw something that fascinated her. Right as Tommy was about to end the stream, Y/n gasped. "BEE!" Y/n and Tubbo shout and start giggling after. "I feel like I'm getting a sense where Y/nbbo is an actual thing now." Tommy says. "Maybe it is!" Tubbo laughs half-jokingly and half not.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘 -  tubboWhere stories live. Discover now