I Do

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Molly was getting ready to meet at the old hotel.

"What do you want?" Pi-Mo asked harshly.

"Welllll !" Bill exclaimed, snapping him a suit on.

"What are you doing?" Pi-Mo asked.

"Nothing!" Bill said, teleporting away.

"Weirdo." He says dully.

He rolled his eyes, heading outside.

Bill leads a trail of crystals to the old hotel.

"Whoa.." Pi-Mo said happily, picking each one up and following.

Molly flew to the hotel.

Pi-Mo grabs all the gems, then sighs tiredly.

"Why?" The real Pi-Mo says through the gem, because it's reflected.

"Perfect candidate for the job. Thousands of years ago, we used to swarm the Earth. Until, we started going extinct. I'm the only one left and I am not taking any chances in dying. I don't think I have a gender either. Weird, but anyways. I'll break the mirror tonight, with you in it." Shadow Pi-Mo called.

"I'm not dying." Pi-Mo says seriously.

"Sure you aren't. Once I kill you, I'll get my own life as you! I could even live your life better than you. Well, bye for now." He stated casually.

"Hey no wait!" Pi-Mo yelled, but Shadow Pi-Mo yeeted the gem in the bush.

He unknowingly bonked Kill in the head.

Molly tackles him.

"Heyyy Molly! How yah been?" He said happily, grinning.

Sorry I thought you were Mr Stitchy. Molly says, smiling.

He laughs.

"Yes I'm not. What are you doing here?" Shadow Pi-Mo asked.

Bill told me to meet you here. Molly says.

"K. But, I must be going! I've got business to do!" Shadow Pi-Mo called.

Bill said you didn't if you backed out he would burn you alive. Molly says.

"Oh, then I'll be in the..what's it called?..Oh! The pile of green trees and grass area." Shadow Pi-Mo adds, smiling wide.

The forest? Molly asks.

He snaps.

"Yes! Exactly!" Shadow Pi-Mo exclaimed.

Alright bill said if you weren't there he with turn your insides out! Molly says, happily walking to the hotel.

Shadow Pi-Mo followed.

"So I'm supposed to stay here? In this place?" He asked, disgusted.

Yep! Molly says.

"Fine." He murmured, walking in.

"This is familiar.." Shadow Pi-Mo replied.

It is. Molly says, holding up two crystals.

"Don't touch my stuff." He sneered, snatching them.

That's not yours. It's just angel rocks. Burns demons. Molly says.

"AH!" He yelled, dropping them.

"Geez!" He growled.

I warned you in the past. Do you not remember? Molly says.

 Invasion Falls (New Au crossover of Piggy and Gravity Falls) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon