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No ones

Tad wakes up, but He wasn't in the cave. He was in his room? Surprisingly, it wasn't as trashed as He left it. It was spotless.

Tad got up, and looked around.

He sees molly on the floor sleeping.

Tad kneeled down, and shook her.

Wha- Molly says, tiredly.

"Did you clean my room? Because you really didn't have to." Tad replies.

Well I did anyway. Molly says, smiling.

"Yesterday was quiet ecstatic. Crazy. Maybe this time it'll be better." Tad said, a bit hopeful.

Yep same. Molly says, looking at her cracked wings.

"Again, I'm so sorry." Tad said sadly.

That's fine it'll heal overtime. Molly says.

"I'm going to take a walk alone. Unless you want to come?" Tad asked.

I'll come! Molly says, happily.

"Well alright." Tad called, as they both go out the door.

Bill snickered at the two.

"Now I see the connection here...okay Mabel Let's speed things up." Bill whispered happily.

Mabel nods joyfully.

"Yesss." She said, giggling.


"Do you walk out here often?" Tad asked, trying to clear the silence.

No I usually fly. I never walked so far. Molly answers.

At the castle, Mabel steals Dippers book, flipping through.

"Hey look! A love demon!" Bill exclaimed.

Mabel smiled.

"Perfect." Mabel called.


You know about your wife.. Molly says.

"Yes? What about her?" Tad said dully.

Plays no one cares theme.

Tad starts laughing.

"I sadly agree with you." Tad chuckled lightly.

Same. I wonder what Mabel and Bill are doing. Molly says, thinking.

"Probably doing something weird." Tad replies.

I hope it's not bad. Molly says, still thinking about it.

"Yes." Tad said back.

At the castle

The love demon appeared right above them.

Mabel squealed, and Bill thought for a moment.

Who are the people you want to make in love? The demon says.

Mabel blushed.

"N-Not us!" Mabel yelled.

Bill smirked.

"It's Tad and Molly." Bill said.

Are they both demons? The demon asks.

"One is a fallen angel." Mabel pipped up.

Alright now to make them fall in love. The demon says, plainly.


Eep! Molly says, pushing Tad in a bush.

 Invasion Falls (New Au crossover of Piggy and Gravity Falls) Where stories live. Discover now