The Portal

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Zizzy's point of view
I was fighting the infected with pony. Zizzy we got infected coming! Pony says in warning. Again!? Do they ever stop? I say in annoyance. I start fighting an infected that looks a little like dessa, while pony fought two infected. One was I think, bunny. The other was foxy. I was impressed how pony manages to fight two infected at the same time. I get distracted and trip. Pony noticed me and threw foxy at dessa making them fall too. Thanks pony! I say. Your welcome. Pony adds. We should probably continue before we get infected too. He suggested. Good idea. I say as we continue fighting the infected.

Dessa before she was infected
I was working at the store like I always did but almost every employee stayed home because they were sick after taking Mr. P's potion. Which I didn't take because I didn't think it was safe. So I had a plan of when to take it. I would take it when one of the employees came back to work.  So as always the store was empty do to the shutdown in the outpost. But, it was a little disappointing when the soldiers tried to save us but, got infected.

The next day
As I was working I see pandy return to the store to work. Pandy! I thought you were sick! I shout relived. I wasn't feeling.. um myself if you know what I mean. She says smiling. Our boss said you need to take cashier post today. I say smiling back at her. She immediately goes to the cashier and starts counting the money. I go take the potion that I saved in my purse. When I come back she starts laughing. Her eyes turn red as she grabs her bamboo stick. I look at her in horror. Then I start running. I throw a bunch of stuff around the store at pandy. But, every time I threw one she would hit it with her bamboo stick. I get my keys and hit the fire alarm. The alarm holds pandy back because of the noise. As she was growling at the noise I lock her in the store. Then I realize I drank the potion. I made a mistake.. I say to myself. My guilt was so bad. I text to my friends before I got infected. I tell penny, foxy, bunny, pony, and zizzy. But, they don't respond. I smile as I turn infected hoping I could come back with a cure.

Bunny before she was infected
I walk around in the school to say hi to my favorite teacher. I look around I see kids around the blocks waiting for the bus to come but It never did. I went to all the kids and told them to follow me all the way to the school so they wouldn't have to wait alone. They followed me all the way to the school. Once we were there the school was all locked. And I saw my teacher but she had glowing yellow eyes with her ruler in her hand. Then she started to attack zee and zuzy. They ran away until my teacher blocked zee on a corner. Zuzy was a warrior like zizzy and zee. She grabbed a long stick and kicked my teacher away from her. I grabbed my crossbow and shot my teacher stunning her. I evacuated all the kids to the front of the school. I got my crossbow ready to shoot her again. Then when I let my guard down she scratched me. I knew what it meant. I was becoming infected. She grabbed me and pulled me to a room in the school. I was being dragged and couldn't fight her because she broke my cross bow. She threw me in the room and locked it behind her. No! Ugh.. I say sighing.

A few hours later
I wake up from sleeping and I'm still in the room, locked. Until I hear footsteps outside the door. I look up and it was zuzy and zee! Girls, your here! I say excited. Of course! You don't think we wouldn't notice your broken crossbow? Zee says smiling. Well we should hurry before she comes back. All the kids are at home by the way. Zuzy adds. I get up and we run to the subway. When we got to the subway I decided to rest a bit. Zee knew what would happen before she left the subway she hugged me. We'll miss you. They say. Then they left. I rested there and waited to be infected.

Foxy before he was infected
I was at the circus with clowny my friend. We were doing so many fun tricks for the crowd. Mr. P told us about the new cure for the infection going on. Clowny took it and I didn't because I forgot. But the next day clowny wasn't feeling well and Mr.P told him to go home and rest for the day. And then I had to handle his job and move the cage in. Which was odd why we had one. I asked Mr. P why we had a big cage in the circus. He said it was for a new animal. Oh. Alright! I say smiling.

The next day
Clowny came back to work. As I was cleaning the cage he came up to me and said I'm sorry. What? I ask. He pushes me in the cage and knocks me out. He locks the door leaving a knife and a paper. I wake up and have a bruise on my eye from his hammer. Why did you do that!? I shout angrily. Mr.P's orders.. he responds. Your becoming infected like me. He says sadly. He leaves the circus not answering any of my questions. And I become infected.

Sorry I was too lazy for the foxy part. ;-; Lol
When it says like bunny before she was infected I'm also saying it's bunny's point of view same with the others. BTW

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