I'm Sorry

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She looked at the entrance and her eyes widened.

"Joo Seokhoon?" she whispered..

Seokhoon-ah, you must've forgotten about me also, right?

She stared at him, not noticing that he looked like he was looking for someone. She didn't realize that she was already smiling.

It's better this way, Seokhoon. So that you will no longer feel guilty of the sins you did not commit. Hopefully ... with this chance given to us, you will experience having a happy family. Hopefully everything that happened before will never happen again.

When Seokhoon seemed to look at where she was standing, she immediately turned around.

Why am I even hiding? What if he doesn't know me?

"It would be better not to."

She then started walking away and decided to just come back another day.

"Rona?!" Her eyes widened at what she heard. She immediately turned around and saw Seokhoon approaching her.

Does he know me? But the first time we met was after Min Seol-A's death.

"Rona? It's you, right?" he asked, getting closer to her.

She looked up and met his eyes so she quickly looked away.

What should I do?


"W-Who are you?" she pretended not to know him.

"You don't r-remember me?" He asked, leaning forward to look at her.

Rona took a step backwards, "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

"If you don't remember me, then why didn't you come to the admission test? I waited for you there."

"I'm sorry, but you must've mistaken me for someone else," Rona said while avoiding his eyes and then turned her back on him.

Seokhoon immediately grabbed her hand to stop her from going away.

"I already told you I don't know you!" She was trying to pull her hand back from his grip.

"Then say that to me again while looking straight into my eyes," he said then let go of her hand.

Rona sighed.

She lifted her gaze to look at him, but got slightly startled when she met his eyes so she looked down again.

Rona, you just have to tell him you don't know him. If you haven't stayed together before, chances are you won't be together here either. Ms. Cheon is not the only person who can kill my mom. Mr. Joo is free to move again, so I shouldn't bring myself close to them. I know I would hurt him a lot but if I had to do it to protect my mom, I wouldn't hesitate to do it.

She took a deep breath and then looked into his eyes, while saying, "I don't really know you."

Her heart dropped when she saw the look on his face after she said that. They stared at each other's eyes but Rona couldn't look at Seokhoon's sad expression any longer so she looked away, trying not to show she was affected.

Seokhoon was silent for a moment and Rona thought she had finally convinced Seokhoon that she didn't really know him. Or he may have given up on knowing if he remembers her or not. So she turned her back on him, tears welled up in her eyes. She was ready to walk away but she was surprised when he spoke again.

"I'm... so sorry."

Rona froze, not expecting him to say that.

"I'm so sorry," he repeated.

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