Chapter 4

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The tree where I ended was my bed for the night. I always had something to do that kept met awake, but this time the thought of freedom kept me awake. The village where I lived was very stricked over some stuff. If you wanted to live your life then you could just make a run for it, because your own life doesn't exist there. The moment you are born everyting is planned for you, your husband/wife, your job even what you are gonna wear. So if I stayed in that village prison would wait for me.

Enough about the sad part of my life, I'm free now so I'm gonna live my life how I want to. Time flew by and morning came very fast. I climb out of the tree and searched for a open field. The sun was shinnig bright in the sky and the field that I found was full of flowers. It was like a dream that came true, the animals that were walking around came to me and made some talks with me. Before you judge I CAN'T understand a word what they are saying I don't have that kind of power.

I stayed with the animals for a few hours and after some time I decided to leave. The path I had to walk was sooooooo long that my feet almost fell of my body. There was a big stone so I decided to take a rest. The place where the stone was looked a bit magical ( like an old tombstone magical). When I sat down my body fell apart I hadn't noticed that my body was tired. The moment I lay  down I felt my eyes close, slowly my brain drifted to the dream zone.

"Hello is somebody there" I said in my dream. I looked around me and it was completely empty, it looked like I walked on water nothing else. This was a beautiful dream, I took this moment to relax for a bit and this is where I heard a voice.

"Child your finally here" said a voice.

"Who are you and why are you talking like you in your 90s"

" First of all that's kinda rude second I'm not someone, but more like a part of you. I know you will have a lot of questions right now, but know this I'm very powerful. The only thing is is that my powers are in a sort of prison, because of something is holding my powers back. But don't worry I can contact you whenever you close your eyes and that is a improvement.

" Okay ehm....  this is hard to take in, but how do I know if your not lying. Cause this is my dream and for better good I can be talking to myself."

" You will know soon child, just wait for a bit. Oh you have a visiter you should wake up"

" Wait wait who are you and what do you mean." I was to late when the voice was gone, I woke up staring to a stranger with tiger ears.

" Who who are you" I said while slowly walking away from the strange person.

" I can ask you the same thing, are you an elf I never saw one before. They say that they never leave there village, what are you doing here?" Said the weird looking person.

" I'm Aurora and I'm indeed a elf so ehmm who are you?"

" Oh hey Aurora I'm Harvey i'm a beast transformer, I think you already noticed my ears. I saw that you kept staring at them, you can touch them if you want?" He said

I didn't know why he was so nice to me. Everyone that I knew was always cold and brutal to me, they acted like I didn't exist. This was the first time someone talked normally to me, just why.

" Why are you so nice to me, you don't even know who I am."

" Just a feeling, when I found you a lot of animals were lying down with you while you were sleeping. The animals in the forest don't like strangers that much, but they didn't mind you. So I will follow there feelings and I will welcome you in the beasttribe forest :) "

* Aurora begins to cry*

* sniff sniff* Thank you" I said with a voice almost nobody could hear. I know it is weird to cry just because some random person is showing kindness to me, but this means alot to me.

" Hahah you're welcome, come on don't cry.  I don't know what you have been through, but your save here." Harvey said with a smile on his face. Did I mention that his smile is really cute.

" Haha thanks Harley, ehm  I don't know how to say this, but can I still touch your ears?"

" Hahaha always" He bowed his head so I could touch his ears. His ears were sooooo soft, I wish I had his ears.

" I see your happy again, you are really petting my ears. To be honest it feels good, nobody touched my ears ever since my mom died." A silence fell between us neither of us had to say something to each other. Harley broke the silence and asked me something.

" Hey do you wanna ride on my back?"

Me: who is confused as fuck, because I didn't learn about different kind of people. So I don't know about what he is talking.

"Ehm I can just walk your legs will give up if you have to drag me on your back through the forest" I said. He looked at me with a confused look.

" Hahha you really don't know anything, beast transformers can transform in a beast. My beast is a tiger so it's no issue to carry you on my back" He said half laughing.

" Okay okay don't laught at me, but where are we going?"

" To my tribe clan I like to introduce you there and you can sleep and eat there for a while if you want. You look like your exhausted."

Harvey is so nice he is offering me a place to sleep and eat. This is really something, but should I trust him?

" Ehm I like to go with you" I said

"NO" Someone said from behind the bushes. The shadow approached us and I could see his body more clear.

" Ughh what are you doing here" Harvey said. It looked like he new him, but who is it?


Ahh ehm okay sorry that the update took so long, school is taking al my free time.

So who do you think it is?

Little question, what is your favorite book?

Can you recommend a good anime?

Thanks for reading guys :)

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