Chapter 1

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The world is a mystical place, you have different universes and different people. In my situation is the world a whole different place as you know the earth. The earth is a beautiful place with different sort of people. With different sort of people I really mean different sort of people. In this world the creatures you could dream of exist. The people here are wizards, Elfs, Beast transformers and normal humans. The history of this world is just Fucked up, i'm not even gonna tell you. I'm also not gonna tell you the history, because i'm dumb and know only half what happend :) But let's get going to the actual story.  

I woke up from the voices outside, a few elfs were playing around in the fields. The flowers in the fields were sparkling under the sun. I got up and got dressed to go to school. I made some eggs for breakfast, we had enough cristals for the fire so I was lucky. While brushing my teeth I ran through the house to find my school supplies, which I left randomly around the house out of lazyness. When I found everything I rushed to school, because I was late. Thank god that elfs have wings other wise I would be 15 mins late for class. As I fly over the village people are watching me like a hawk. You know nobody in this village actually like me, at least that's what I think. After 5 mins I arrived at school and the chaos begon.

Remember when I said that nobody likes me, well this behaviour is also in class. Nobody wants to interact with me or work with me, It's  pretty sad. I went into the school building and took place at my seat. The class began, this class was about the basic power that every elf has. The basic powers are flying, telekinesis, aura reading, night eyes, fast healing and good hearing. Every elf knows how to control these powers when your around 5 or 7 years old.  So these classes are really boring, I don't even know why we have these classes in general. After the basic classes ended we went to the individuel classes. The individuel classes are for the different powers that each elf has. It's not necessary for me to follow those classes, because I don't have an own power.  It's a sad fact, but I managed to live with it. 

The different powers each elf has is a power of one of the 4 elements (water, fire, earth and air). So some elfs can control fire or can control water, but that doesn't matter cause I don't have any of those powers. The classes ended and I went straight home, because my mom know when school is over for me and I have to go home straight away. Why I have to go home is something that she doesn't want to tell me. 

"MOM I'M HOME" I scream.

"Okay go do your homework or read a book. "Your not going outside today before you finish your homework or reading a whole book. 

My mom is the same as the village elfs, she doesn't like me at all even when i'm her child. She doesn't let me do a thing and she always blames me for her problems including the issue that my dad left when I was 2 months old. When I was little I alway imagined how my dad would look at me. Would he look proud at me, because I took it so well all these years or would he look at me like i'm a horrible person. These thought would run through my head. I stopped caring after a while, because I knew it wouldn't make a big diffrence in my life.

 After I finished my homework I secretly went to a spot that nobody even know that it excited. It's a magical place where I can escaped reality for a while. The place I'm talking about is in the forest a little behind my house. I build a treehouse there so I could relax there and look at the animals walking around. As you know not every animal loves other existence, but every animal that I know doesn't despise me. If I'm in the forest than they come after me and be with me if I'm having a hard time. The animals in the forest are more a family to me than my own family. The only family by blood that I know is my mom and she doesn't give a fuck about me. So I'm very thankful that the animals in the woods like me.

As time passes by its getting dark. I think I have to go home for mom is gonna search for me. If she finds this place than I'm doomed, she is gonna burn everything to the ground. I went home and saw my mom standing in the hallway with her hands as a angry mom. 

Where have you been, you were gone for hours!! I went to your room to check on you, but I didn't saw you there. This is not what we discussed, I said that you can't leave your room today. Shouted my mom at me.

Mom you said that I couldn't leave my room today before I finished my homework or reading a book. So I'm not seeing the problem here since I finished my homework before I left. 


That's how my evening ended. My mom didn't let me eat dinner, she said" if you want food than you have to understand your actions from today." Ofcourse I wasn't planning to say sorry to her. If I would apologise for everyting that she wanted me to do than I was apologisemachine by now. So I went to bed without food and so a new day started again. 

I woke up from the yelling from my mom and got dressed. Breakfeast was already on the table I could smell the scent of fresh baked bread in the whole house. So I packed my stuff and when downstaires to eat breakfast. While eating breakfast mom and I didn't speak a word to each other. I figuered that she was still mad at me, but as always I just ignored it and went to school. I arrived at school as usual and went to my classroom. A few of my classmates were talking about me, they weren't even hiding it. I'm used to it so it doesn't matter anymore, but it still sucks.  When I arrived at my classroom, my desk was gross and dirty. I already new who did it, that person name is Emily she likes to bully me. I just sat down and ignored the fact that my desk was full with rubbish. The schoolbell rang and the class started, that's where the chaos begon. 

Thank you for reading

a/n: I hope you liked the first chapter, the struggle was big. With the first chapter it is always looking for things to start so i hope that the beginning of the story is clear and fun for you guys. If you have any ideas for new characters just say so. I hop you stick with me to finish this story:)

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