Chapter 2

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The class begon and the teacher came into the classroom. He looked directly at my table and just ignored me. When I said everyone hated me I really meant everyone. 

"Okay listen up everyone, this year is gonna be a little different for you guys." You are in the second class of the three school years so next year is gradution year." For this year it is important that you can handle your own powers very well." The exams for this year are coming up and it is very hard for you to pass if you don't have your powers under control" Said the teacher.

When he spoke about your own powers, some of my classmates began to laugh and look at me. That's probably because I don't have my own unique power. The teacher started to notice that people were looking at me and took the attention again to his explanation. 

"Okay so if everything is clear enough, then I suggest that your gonna train on the traininggrounds to improve your powers." As for Aurora I think you can just go home nobody needs you here." Said the teacher right in my face with everyone around me. 

"Ehm okay have a nice day everyone" with that said I walked out of the classroom and went to the forest.

You know everyone thinks that my powers are weak and that I'm a disappointment, but my powers aren't that weak. If you compare my powers with the average elf here, then I think I'm far above it. When I was 6 years old I already masterd al my powers, so school was a bit useless to me. Of course nobody nows this, because my mom says that useless girls like me just have to shut up.

I arrived at the forest and searched for some animals to talk to. When I talk to them I go about my day and just scold the people I hate. It feels really good when I scold them, I don't have to hold myself in because people can't hear me. I decided to fly around for 15 minutes and after that I went back to the treehouse. The treehouse on the inside is filled with fanatsy and romance books about humans. There is also a mini kitchen and a nice sofa where I can sit on and watch the view from the forest. Outside of the treehouse I have a little balcony with fairy lights. This is the place where I would live if I was a orphan, but I'm not so I can't live here. 

The books that I read the most are books that are about humans. I think that humans and other breeds are interesting, but al the other people here think that they are dangerous. So I read the books in secret so that my mom doesn't have another reason to beat me up. Time flew by as I read another book about humans. I decided to return to home before my mom got mad at me again.

"Mom I'm home!" I shouted through the house.

There was no response, I searched the house looking for my mother but she wasn't anywhere. I decided that I had to be happy with the fact that she isn't home, if she was then I had to see her angry face again. It was dinner time so I went to the kitchen and made some food for myself. The thing that I made is called fairydust ( I know it's a werid name just deal with it). The dish is just a sort salad, but with ingredients from the fairies. So I ate my dinner and just went to my room to read more books about humans, I have a secret hideout for the books so my mom doesn't find them. 

After a while I got sleepy and just got to bed. My mom still wasn't home, but I had school tomorrow so I had to get some sleep. Hours went by and it was the next day and still no mom. I got dressed for school, ate some breakfast and left for school. On the way to school I heard people talking about my mom, they said that she was by the police because she got really drunk yesterday and scold some people. So that's why she didn't come home yesterday, I just walked to school and got to class.

The lessons where boring as ever, everyone was staring at me and talking nonsense about me again. I just wanted to go home, but I couldn't because of this stupid school. The teacher came in the classroom and looked like he was looking for someone. 

"Ah Aurora can I talk to you for a minute" Said the teacher

He walked outside of the classroom and I followed him. He had a serious look on his face and started talking.

" So Aurora as you know you don't have a special power and your really a nuisance in the class."

EHM EXCUSE ME, did he just said that I'm a NUISANCE in this class! I'm the best student of this class, I really hate him but there was more that he wanted to say.

" But that's not the point that I wanted to tell you. The thing that the other teachers and I discussed was that we are gonna suspend you from this school." We all think that this is the best option for everybody, because your distracting people in class and your mother is also annoying."

.......He did not just suspended me, because of other people and my own mother. Who the fuck is going to do that because of a reason like that!

"Ehm can I ask why your are suspending me, because of a reason like that" I asked.

"First of al it's not just a reason like that, Emily said that your really distracting the other students and scolding them. This behaviour is not what we want in this school" The teacher said.

Of course Emily is behind this bullsh*t, she always finds a way to annoy me. What annoys me more is that my mom thinks that Emily is a ideal daughter to have. Like okay just adopted her and give me away. The teacher was still waiting for me to give him my answer, I just said...

" Okay fine I'm packing my stuff, but I'm not going to do anything for this village that you know that."

With that said I russed into the classroom grabbed my bag and walked away. I was sooo pissed how could he suspend me, because of a reason like that. It doesn't matter anymore the school just threw me away like a piece of garbage. I had to go to the policestation, because my mom was still there. I walked into the police station and I searched for someone to help me.

" Ehm pardon can you help me I'm searching for my mom. They said that she was locked up in here because of drinking and scolding people."

" That's correct, she is the only one in here because of that so I know who your looking for. I will show you the way" Said a man who worked there.

When I saw that my mom was locked up I didn't even flinch. The feeling that I was getting was relieved not sad not mad but relieved. I stared at her deep gaze for a few minutes and after that the police got her out. I could see in her eyes that she was mad at me AGAIN. We walked out of the police station and my mom began to yell at me.

" If it weren't for you I would be happy, you know what just go live by the orphange people." Then your no burden to me anymore." She screamed at me

I ignored her screaming a little bit, but it also gave me a idea. If the whole village wanted me gone why wouldn't I just go away to the outside world. 


AGHHHH she finally stood up for herself, I wrote this chapter so fast because I wanted to let this happen. Thank you for reading:)

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