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Some how it felt as every living being in Beacon Hills could feel a shift in the chain of command. The deer within the reserve became more wary of every crack and snap of dried leaves. Squirrels stayed perched up high, dark eyes observing all. Birds so full of gossip fell silent when a werewolf of either side entered. Some days it even seemed as if the bugs and insects stilled their daily activities.

The human inhabitants could feel a change as well. Though they were unaware of the supernatural they required nothing special to see that something had happened between the group of mischief. Normally Scott and Stiles would be terrorizing the town with their antics, dragging their friends around with them. The streets had grown silent since Stiles had left for college and remained silent even when he had returned. It was as if the dynamic of the friendship had been catastrophically altered since he made the choice to go to college. 

No one voiced their acknowledgement of this change. It felt too personal to voice their concern. Most people chocked the change up to a fight or the two drifting away. Some of the more closed-minded residents of Beacon Hills believed it was Stiles coming out that Scott disagreed with. They stood by Scotts side, following his example of ignoring the young Stilinski despite the fact that he was now an active part of the Beacon Hills  police force. Most chose to just go on with their daily lives and only talk to the group if needed. 

Stiles was well aware of the dislike many had come to have for him. He was aware of it his first day back in Beacon Hills. Of course, on his first day back, he got pulled over. He assumed it was one of his fathers friends on the force stopping him to say hi. To his surprise it wasn't that.

It was a new officer. Stiles hadn't ever seen her face before, strong features and olive skin. She was a beautiful women there was no denying it, but that didn't deter Stiles from the weird vibe he was getting from her.

"Hello there Sir, license and registration please."

Stiles smiled and did as asked. She looked over the papers and then walked them back to her patrol car to run the information. Stiles hummed along to the radio and tapped a rhythm into the leather-bound steering wheel. Five minutes had passed and Stiles was beginning to grow anxious. He knew how long it took to run plates and it did not take five minutes, it took two - two and a half tops if there were technical difficulties.

When the second patrol car showed up he knew there was trouble. Thankfully he recognized the man that stepped out of it and his hopes rose a bit. Lieutenant James Galloway had been a friend of his fathers for years and one of the many people in the department that played a part in helping to raise him after the passing of his mother.

James was going grey now, much like Stiles father, and pudgier than Stiles remembered from before he left for college. He leaned against the new deputies patrol car and looked at whatever she had found. As much as Stiles wanted to go interject and figure out what was going on, he contained his curiosity. Something told him that now was not the time for his old antics.

To waste time he texted all of his friends, letting them know he was back in town. He only got a few replies back. Lydia sent a string of smiley emojis, Isaac a big thumbs up and a promise of burgers, Peter left him on read, and Derek called him.

When Derek's caller ID flashed on his phone Stiles stared at it in surprise. He stared so long the call went to voicemail. In a flash of panic he called Derek back, still confused at why Derek would be calling him.

He put the phone to his ear and let the dial tone fill his ear. The voice that flooded his brain was not one he had heard in a long time and one that he was not aware he missed.

"Stiles." Derek's rough voice seemed to seep through the speaker, into the creases of Stiles brain that he hadn't felt activate since high school.

"Derek...its been a while." Stiles nearly choked on his own voice.

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