• ↞Chapter 8: D-did we..?↠ •

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|Random Bedroom at the house|

|Third person's POV|

Izuku groaned as he woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing. He opened his eyes and looked around the room, not bothering to sit up. He didn't recognize where he was, he just knew it was fancy.

'What... happened?' He thought as blindly reached for his phone, still not bothering to get up. After a minute of blindly reaching, he found his phone. Squinting as he looked at the bright screen.

'Why is Addison calling me at...' He checked the time, 'seven (7) in the morning!?' He swiped 'answer' and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" He answered in a groggy voice.

"Where the fuck are you!?" They screamed down the phone, Izuku pulled the phone away from his ear as he winced.

"Can you be quiet? I have a splitting headache," he groaned.

"Okay, fine, but where are you!?" They said in a much quieter tone.

"I... don't know," he said as he glanced at the room again, only now taking into account the clothes strewn everywhere.

"We all went home, we assumed you and Axel got a lift but then you never showed up," the teen informed, you could hear the worry in their voice.

"Wait, Axels missing too?" He asked alot more urgently.

"Yeah, yeah he is. You disappeared after the shot game and we assumed you got yourself home, Axel dissapeared at around the same time so we thought you guys were together!"

Izuku rubbed his forehead in an attempt to regain memories of last night. It didn't work.

"Can I call you back? I really need to sort things on my end, I'm safe, I think I'm still at the house and I'll try to find Axel," Izuku said, he heard a sigh on the other end of the line.

"Fine, but you better come home safe and with Axel," they said.

"I will, don't worry." The line then ended as Addison hung up. Izuku groaned and sat up, looking around the room again. The curtains were closed so he couldn't really see anything, his headache wasn't helping. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and got up, attempting to stand up.

Key word: attempted.

The second he was off the bed and standing his legs gave out and he fell to the ground with a heavy thud. He winced in pain as a groan sounded from the bed. His eyes widened as he realized he wasn't in the room alone.

He looked at himself, he was wearing boxers and a hoodie that clearly didn't belong to him, it was pretty big, it went down to his mid-thigh and the arms were way longer than his.

He tried to stand up again, this time using the nightstand that was beside him to help him. It took him a while but with the help of the walls he got to the window and opened the curtains. Sun streamed in and Izuku squinted in an attempt to block it out. Another groan came from the bed. Izuku looked at it to see a white-haired guy, he couldn't see his face though. The guy was shirtless, his lower half was covered by blankets.

'Who the fuck-' Izuku thought as he made his way over to the bed. He gently shook the shirtless male in an attempt to wake him up.

"Fuck off," the guy groaned as he turned around, his back now facing Izuku.

"Oi! Wake up!" Izuku shouted, he was leaning on the wall with one hand as the other shook the guy awake.

"Izuku, shut the fuck up!" The guy whined as he shuffled in the bed, attempting to get comfortable.

"How do you know my name!?"

"What do you mean how do I know your name!? I'm your friend, I go to school with you, I basically live with you for fucks sake!" The guy said as he rolled over so he was facing Izuku. Izuku's eyes widened as he realized who it was. Axel. It was Axel. His friend Axel. The guy he had been crushing on since the mall was lying infront of him, shirtless.


"'Zuku?.." he paused as he looked Izuku up and down, "not that I'm complaining but why are you wearing my hoodie?" He said as he raised an eyebrow.

"This is yours!?" Izuku asked as his eyes widened. Axel nodded.

"Yeah... you didn't know that?" He asked, sitting up.

"No! I have no memory at all of last night!" He squealed.

"Okay, first, where are we?" Axel asked as he squinted and looked around.

"I have no idea, I think we're still at the house from last nights party."

"Okay, why am I shirtless?"

"No clue."

"Great..." He glanced at the room again. "Why are your clothes everywhere?"

"Again, no clue," Izuku said as he glanced around again. It was true, his shirt he was wearing was sitting on the floor at the door, the skirt he was wearing sat on the floor somewhat closer to the bed, his boots looked like they were thrown off the end of the bed and the fishnets he had been wearing were draped over the nightstand.

"Why are you leaning on the wall?" Axel asked as he tore his gaze away from the room to put it back on the green-haired boy, who, was in fact still holding onto the wall for support.

"I stood up and my legs gave out," he answered simply. He was really oblivious. Axel's eyes widened as he lifted the blanket. He dropped it and looked at Izuku with wide eyes.

Izuku caught on to what happened and blushed a furious red colour.

"D-did we..?" He stuttered.

To Be Continued...
~952 words~

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